Otaku Soulmate
Alex C @izuketachimaru
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Otaku Soulmate
Alex C @izuketachimaru
Rina now yoru getting ot to problem I have no responds , its wouldn't be hard on my end if I can cross the first step have getting to know ppl I say hi and no one says hi back , this is why I'm barely on facebook or my twitter half the time. whats the point of adding someone with the potential to be friends if your not going to be a friend...?
Rina @rinatanchu
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Otaku Soulmate
Rina @rinatanchu
That's a good point. I guess people are still used to MySpace and increasing their friend count on social media. I still stand by what I say though. I don't think it is your problem, I think it is their own.
Still, I can understand when no one communicates back. Maybe you are in the wrong kind of setting? This website is really basic with just emailing and fourm posting. No IM, no video chat, no voice chat. There are a lot of unactive people with accounts that just lurk and you recognize the same people that are active. The way I began to make friends her was through the maiotaku chatroom on tinychat. That is how I talked to a lot of people and found my boyfriend.
Alex C @izuketachimaru
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Otaku Soulmate
Alex C @izuketachimaru
maiotaku .. never heard of it .. and yeah I just never realized it till now is the time thing on here fucked up or something cause there a lot of ppl that say they been gone for so log but accept my friend request but never heard from them.
spscarecrow @spscarecrow
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Otaku Soulmate
spscarecrow @spscarecrow
Thats why I'm here. To find someone with similar interests.
lucille @lucille
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Otaku Soulmate
lucille @lucille
I thought I'd have my say on this one. I originally came on here to make friends and meet people with a similar interest. I ended up getting trolled really badly by a creep when I joined this site and admittedly it scared me off a fair bit (I won't go into it, it's history). However, I stayed for a while and have come back on here from time to time. I found an amazing guy who I am completely in love with though this site and I wouldn't have been able to do that if I just left when I got creeped out. Again I was only looking for friends and I have made a few friends though this page that I have spoken to since I joined and am still in contact with.
I think a lot of people view this place to meet friends and it is great for that too.
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Otaku Soulmate
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
I'm trying to find my soul mate. I'm trying to find someone that almost matches my ideal aspects of a perfect otaku boyfriend for me, but I don't want it match all of my ideals. So, yeah. ^u^
Alex C @izuketachimaru
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Otaku Soulmate
Alex C @izuketachimaru
u know it cool to hear that it can happen on this site but im not true the type of person to believe something until i see it for myself
Wagen @ivo
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Otaku Soulmate
Wagen @ivo
I came here out of curiosity and a bit of hope to make a friend or something else, but I'm not the talkative type, so I just have fun writing and posting gifs in some threads here and there. Whatever happen happens.
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
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Otaku Soulmate
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
Most of the girls reply to me but still thinking and deciding who is good since a lot of good and attractive girls but I don't like forcing them. I usually wait to see how things goes before taking a step. If the girls in here cannot be my gf, they can be my friend I still accept it. Since I need to learn a lot from them, girls view point are important. Teaches you and build confidence on finding girls. They might give me a good suggestion :).
What @izuke said is true, girls don't give boys a chance. We are no alien just a same creature as the girls living on planet earth.
Alex C @izuketachimaru
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Otaku Soulmate
Alex C @izuketachimaru
@i'm a gamer
its even worst when you have those guys are are the creep like you see in hentai or anime who werids the girl out , not all men think that way I'm myself is more like the guy in anime who cant get an girl and hope one lands in my lap from some werid galaxy or plant lol
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