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Kissing? What's is that? What even is that?

Well here's something that I think is weird. I've forgotten what kissing feels like. Anyone care to comment? No Trolls please.
smack on the lips or on the cheek? or both? Have encountered a few cultural differences when it comes to kissing.
My mommy, daddy & brothers love to kiss me. I dont have a boyfriend. So i dont know how it feels like. ~.~ i dont know i need a boyfriend or not.
feels nice if you really like the person, if you dont then its more of an empty feeling, thats just imo
^.^ i feel very happy
well kissing some one u know as a greeting or like i missed u is nice but its diffrent from loved one ofc like i want to kiss her or how would it feel u looking forward to it also because she is the one you want to kiss the most also because she is very inportant to u makes the situation diffrent and makes it better i geus. now kiss http://ragefaces.memesoftware.com/faces/large/fap-now-kiss-l.png
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