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So many "Why no Otaku Girl" Post

Since I joined I had a good conversation with one person. I haven't been bothered yet. It could be my age, I dunno.
I honestly joined maiotaku to make friends. I have no strong interest in anyone right now.. I have a long way to do.
@oniiai A long way to go in making friends? i can help!
No that's not it :c I mean relationships and stuff but thank you so much! im good at making friends but its exhausting to keep meeting new people
@oniiai Ah I see. Well, I want to let you know you have no obligation to ever feel like you need to have a strong interest in anyone. Keep going and your person will find their way to you. But I am sure you already knew that anyways ^^;;
Feb 22, 15 at 1:50am
http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/004/635/otaku-dating-motivator-001.jpg :D
hehehe^xD agreed on what everyone said especially jikoshy and sakuma :) meeting a girl who loves animes and games is just a perk, personality and principles in life still matters the most :)
What did I do this time? :3
Feb 22, 15 at 2:53am
I've had difficulties finding someone for some time now, but it ain't because of my standards. It's just that I don't get to meet many new people because my uni is crowded with people way older than me, and outside of that my schedule is pretty messed. up. I've said it before and I still stand my ground on the fact that hobbies in common will only take you so far in a relationship. For the rest, you're gonna have to look at the person him/herself.
@jikoshy: you danced like a pony indeed xD JK!
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