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Five Words that will haunt me forever..

This is true, however it seems to me like she was just looking for comfort with no regard to your feelings ¬ ¬ Well, now you know for next time!
You're absolutely right, she was there for the game and I don't have time for games at my age, I'm not in HS anymore and what she did was truly childish
That really sucks man. Though sadly you had it coming, Never trust a cheater, She was cheating on her husband with you, So what would stop her from doing the same against you, if things had worked out. She was most likely just using you for comfort with no regards or care for your feelings, Like others use sappy movies or music. There are quite a few cruel people in this world, One's without a care in the world for others and only have self importance. That is just a fact of life sadly. Just my two cents.
Going after a taken person is really just setting yourself up for a huge mess! And you did nice things because you wanted to date her, but maybe next time just do nice things for the sake of it. Otherwise, it's not really nice, it's more like bargaining. You didn't have to comfort her when she was feeling down either. She's in the wrong too, but for different reasons. It's just from my own observations, but I think they have dependency issues. That's why they flit around from person to person. I think the best way to deal with it is just to avoid it altogether.
I never wanted to overstep the boundaries. Actually I should of mentioned I didn't go alone where it's just me and her, it with of felt way too awkward for me. I told her from the beginning look, I know you're married so I don't want to overstep my boundaries when in fact she totally did and when it was going too far I would change subject immediately. I'm starring to realize that when she knew I had morals it turned her off I think
@bikko, agreed. I also think she was wrong in accepting, especially if she knew you liked her and that she didn't reciprocate. But at the same time, if you're gonna take that gamble, and then raise those stakes so high (1k?!), you gotta be prepared that you might lose it all. She didn't force you to up the ante and doing nice things doesn't guarantee not being rejected. I would just move on and next time, maybe not get to caught up in it before I have a solid confirmation before I go all out.
I think she just realized you wouldn't take the bait. Which is why she moved on, and why you should too! At the very least, I hope you had fun. To go through a miserable situation like that, and not get anything out of it; that's just really frustrating. If you didn't, just make sure you have fun next time and try not to worry about obtaining a romantic-relationship status.
Actually she planned the whole thing guys....I just pai....wait...she knew I would pay then!!??...omg I feel so used...I had no interest in pursuing it, but she kept on budging and honestly I should of been stronger but I'm glad I learned from this experience and honestly I'm very happy nothing happened..I wouldn't be able to live with myself and who knows if she might have an STD..honestly not the woman I want to lose my virginity to.
Ha. Let it go man, no use dwelling on the past.
True man. I should of been smarter especially when she kept on delaying the divorce. Her husband treated her like crap all the time(he was Italian too) and never bought her anything. I wanted to realize what a true Italian gentlemen can do for her and so I was hoping she'd get the divorce even when I told her "listen if you wasn't to go further, get the divorce I'll wait for you." After she kept on delaying it I should of walked away.
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