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Five Words that will haunt me forever..

Ok I have a little story. I used to into a game called WoW(world of Warcraft). I played it for 2 years. Last year I was playing with a friend of mine and I meet this girl who was sitting on a table and we started talking. She was married and we started talking as friends, but I could see she was in an unhappy marriage(only after 2 years-_-) So I added her on Skype, and we became good friends to the point we talked to each other every day. Then it got a little serious, I guess because I was the only person she could talk to every day and everytime she had her moments of sadness, I was there always to cheer her up. She began liking me and I her, but only to the point as friends for now. To the point i finally meet her in NY(she was from Florida). She stayed at her friends apartment and I went to go see her. I took her to a broadway show, we walked in central park, and I took to a very expensive Italian restaurant which in total cost me like $1k for the entire weekend. I also bought thing for her parents as well because im genuinely nice like that. We were in her friend's room and I gave her a gift...and I told her I love her.. All of a sudden she starts kissing me and unzipping my..ahem.. ok too graphic, but I stop her. I told her im sorry i can't becuause you're still married and if you want to get more serious i'll wait for the divorce...and she goes why??. Anyway we had a good time and 4 days later she's back in Florida in the meantime showing me pics of the necklace I gave her and she's wearing it to work and all..So we're playing wow. She goes to me Peter, we gotta talk. She goes to me you're a very nice guy, but I don't want any relationship yet and I think if we would ever be together I know "I WOULD CHEAT ON YOU".....I...I..froze...I had no idea what to say?...why would you say that to me 4 days after we met each other. After that things got worse and the friendship dwindled. Not even a month later her "not wanting a relationship" was BS because she gets a bf from another state and today I guess they're doing well. Me? im out of the picture after 8 months of being there for her..i'm nothing to her now, and for me to get my heart trampled on and thrown away like I was nothing really hurts me til this day. How can women be so heartless?..and now I texted her a couple of days ago and I get only one word responses from her now...and the stupid thing is, I still like her. edit: off to work now, but whoever reads this I deeply appreciate your time I mean it :)
Hot sauce incoming. You were dumb and it was totally your fault. For one she's married. NEVER a good thing, or even if she was just someone's gf. The fact is she's taken. Second, what in the world are you doing spending that amount of money on someone, that no matter how much of a friend she may be, has still no strings attached to you. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're being 'nice' to a girl when you're actually just being her disposable emotional tampon. Edit: It was on a somewhat lower degree, but I made the exact same mistake. The only cure for this is a hard slap across the face. It hurts for a while, but it's worth it. Cheer up bro, at least now you know.
Well you have to look at it like this she is cheating on her husband with you...whats to stop her from doing the same with you, it only makes sense dont mean to be harsh but its the truth Oh and bro 1k really? I know you really liked her but 1k is alot to spend on a cheater and if she asked why wait for a divorce it was a sign that she didnt plan to
Yea you guys are absolutely right it was dumb and my fault :/ here I thought I was being the nice guy and honestly I was hoping she'd get the divorce earlier. It's funny because she's still not divorced and has a bf now. I honestly wanted to stay away but she kept on pushing me and sending me messages like "I miss you"...and stupid me I felt bad and I eventually fell in her trap
She was using you man ;-; just stay away i mean you are the nice guy here but she doesnt deserve it you know? Just call it quits tell her straight up
Yea you're right. I mean we're still friends but we don't even talk to each other anymore like once in a couple of months
Wow O_o....im very sorry to hear that man :(.
Sorry to hear that, but yeah, never trust a cheat.
On the plus side, at least she was honest enough to say those five words ¬ ¬
Yea but saying that after 8 months it's like how dare you after all I did for you, you know? Why draw me in all that time and in the end you have the guts to say that? I just don't understand I would never play with someone's heart like that. If I wasn't interested to begin with then I'll say it, which I did at first but she used to cry to me and tell me that she misses me..wtf...damn my weak heart
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