Smoke? Drink?

Kronos @kronos
Smoke? Drink?
Kronos @kronos
I'm curious... how do you feel about going out or hanging out with someone who smokes and/or drinks? Okay? Not okay? Tell me.

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
I don't smoke, but I do occasionally drink. Only beer though. Can't stand hard liquor!

z3rosiris @z3rosiris
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
z3rosiris @z3rosiris
Both are ok with me even though I don't do either I have friends that do worse and I really don't mind much of anything until it is forced on me.

CasioMaker @otacon85
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
CasioMaker @otacon85
Smoking: Every once in while. I'm trying to quit.
Drinking: Socially. Mostly wine, chilean beer (Kunstmann is my favourite one; don't know if they sell it in the United States) and a couple of cocktails here and there with friends and family. Nothing to heavy, though.

Kronos @kronos
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Kronos @kronos
I don't smoke cigarettes myself, but a new friend of mine does. She drinks too, which prompted me to ask this question. As for drinking... I generally don't touch spirits, but my doctor says it's okay, so maybe on New Year's... maybe.

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
I personally don't like smoking. I'd rather not have to choke on that second hand smoke, but sometimes I just deal with it. I don't mind if I hung out with someone who drinks, but not to the point where he/she completely loses their judgement. I've drank alcohol before, but I personally don't care for it. It's not that I hate it or anything, it's just that I don't really have a need nor a desire for it. Maybe, on occasion, like during an event/gathering or some sort of party(like after a wedding or something), I might join in for the heck of it. Still, I'm fine if they drink a lot, a little, or not at all, but I prefer if they don't.

Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
I don't do either myself.

Kimiko @kimiko
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Kimiko @kimiko
Smokes-not okay

DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
I wouldnt hang out with someone who smokes. Just the smell of their clothes would make me sick. x.x
Drinking would be ok as long as they didnt try to force it on me or get messed up while around me. Having an alcoholic father kinda ruined that scene for me. :\
(Sorry for the multiple posts. The validation box didnt like me ;-; )

DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
DoctorJones7961 @doctorjones7961
-Accidental post- >.>
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