What's your weakness
kabbocha @kabbocha
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What's your weakness
kabbocha @kabbocha
A kind, respectful man, that makes me laugh easily, with beautiful hair... └|゚ε゚|┐
genma314 @genma314
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What's your weakness
genma314 @genma314
This account has been suspended.
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
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What's your weakness
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
A girl with beautiful eyes, won't be able to keep eye contact with her
cielle @cielle
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What's your weakness
cielle @cielle
A guy who doesn't usually wear glasses, but comes in one day wearing them.
Fuckin' gets my heart every time.
Aka-san @redhawk
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What's your weakness
Aka-san @redhawk
Red Heads and Asian women
Niknik @niknik
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What's your weakness
Niknik @niknik
This guy
ロイ @wallace614
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What's your weakness
ロイ @wallace614
My absolute bias
Starwind720 @starwind720
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What's your weakness
Starwind720 @starwind720
...mine is a mixed of attributes that may be considered impossible to find all in one in this life for me. Cute, beautiful, adorable, a dork, a shenanigan, artist, cosplayer, gamer, adventurer. ( owo)
So it may not have my weakness, but a combination may amp up a little. If one that has all, I'm gone. ( ×w×)
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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What's your weakness
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Long flowing hair on guys..Squeeee~ Astronomers..~! <3
fatzilla @jineko
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What's your weakness
fatzilla @jineko
2D harem kings. HAHA
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