aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
I all my bro johnny since when I met him I couldn't say his real name 'Rejan'. Though with a name like Leo I don't really get any, Though personally I like my name and wouldn't want one.
EA1294 @corvo1293
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EA1294 @corvo1293
sounds evil don't you think,like an angry puerto rican( no discrimination intended)
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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damion_ikari @damion_ikari
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damion_ikari @damion_ikari
My friends call me Crona/Ragnorock
mariahaise @mariahaise
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mariahaise @mariahaise
Coquito (family nickname) La Loca (acquaintances nickname) Mari (friend nickname) and idk haha those are my few nicknames and i definitely dont like any of them (except for coquito but only when its coming from my family)
Afomaru @afomaru
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Afomaru @afomaru
I used to be called Morpheus back in Middle school because I apparently used to speak like him, despite my never watching the Matrix, lol... Then I somehow got upgraded to Neo...
Though, I did at one time get so used to my gamename being called out over vent that I started to respond to the word "Set" out of game. I used the common-ish name of Setsuna, but everyone kept butchering it to one syllable so I just rolled with it. Much faster to react to, anyway.
beavind @beavind
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beavind @beavind
Hmmmm what would be your nickname for 'Barbora' then?? ^^
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
Mine is Chi
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