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Family pressure

You don't want them to comment on your date? How about going along with a guy? ¬ ¬
Well Key, I can't really relate as I don't get along with a majority of my family, intend to renounce my surname and let my brother be the new head of the family - I'm just going to slide out of the picture in my case because I'm the only atheist in a Catholic family, half of which equates atheism with gay, the other half trying and failing to understand.
Jan 30, 15 at 7:40am
@Manga_bird Simply because I am not gay, and I cannot bring a friend. Why? Because I live in London, in the ceremony will be held in Equatorial Guinea, Africa. My father offered himself to buy an extra ticket for my 'date' if I were to bring one.
Jan 30, 15 at 9:05am
I sympathize with your situation, Key. Back where I come from, family owned enterprises (from the usual Mom & Pop's store to the ones worth millions) and succession planning for the eldest child are a dime and a dozen. So, I do understand your agony when it seems as if your life has been planned/scripted for one purpose when instead you want something else. Do you have a solid game plan/backup plan for that game developer job you are gunning for? Entry level game developer for Pixar and an equivalent game developer for an indie firm have significant salary differences and all (which may be another point as to why your family may be hesitant on your dream job). Like your dad, mine wants me to pursue a Masters; I'm frankly fed up with doing "project work" with a bunch of school kids or "research" with life-tenured professors, especially now that I'm actually working with real, living, breathing client projects. With that said, on the higher-education issue, it is also true that unless you have a Masters in a specific industry, there will only be a limit as to how high you can go on the career trajectory path. Alternatively, what you can do instead, and it is purely my opinion and current strategy which you are free to ignore, is to get some relevant working experience within that industry you wish to enter (2 yrs minimum, max 4 yrs imo) before taking another look at going down the Masters degree line (employers may infer that if you jump straight from college to Masters you have zero practical working experience i.e. you've been a student your whole life, so why should I treat you any different from an entry level personnel aside from your greater depth of theoretical knowledge?) Roommates are roommates. They are basically tenants on a shared property. There are some you'll get along much better than others. Otherwise, I personally wouldn't care what/how they are doing as long as they pay rent and utility fees on time. Unless of course that roommate is a close friend of yours, which complicates the relationship. TLDR: I'm willing to listen and offer suggestions if you need to, Key =)
Everyone gets one life, but it seems that your father wants you to continue his. You could leave and do you, but youd be leaving your siblings, they would grow up like you would (dissatisfied and unhappy) or grow up like your father (opressing the wishes of their kids and become selfish from fear of losing their money and what they've worked for). You could give an ultimatum to your father. You do you and stay, help with his stuff and teach your siblings to be good people. (Im not good with words)
Jan 30, 15 at 10:32am
Live your own life. Its not fair on you for them to decide everything. Yes they are providing you with all these opportunities and benefits. But its up to you what you want. Shiet If It was me I would take a couple bucks and start over somewhere else. On my own. That goodness I dont have to deal with something like this. Just me and my brother left in my family
Feb 02, 15 at 5:18am
I envy you guys who can just happily say stuff like 'live your life' like it's no big deal. It may sound like it isn't for some, but for others, it's just inconceivable. It's not a question of being scared, we're just tied down to that lifestyle. Those chains ARE breakable of course, but it ain't that simple.
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