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Family pressure

Jan 29, 15 at 8:22pm
May I vent for a minute? Bad day. Fell like I'm gonna blow up. My father's getting remarried this summer, my three female cousins, two older one younger, are all bringing the partners to the ceremony. My little brother just got a gf too. Meanwhile, I'm gonna be the only one from the main cast of characters without someone to bring along. It wouldn't be so bad if wouldn't have to go through this whole thing where everyone's nagging me about it, since I'm supposed to be the next head of family, take over my dad's company and fortune, and deal with stuff like having to remember the faces and names of hundreds(not even kidding, black 'families') who I only once every blue moon, and only show up to suck on my father's money. I'm almost done with university. I just want this slow and boring period of my life to be over so I can move on to more interesting things like getting that game dev job. Bombshell. My dad and grandma want me to do masters. I know I'm fucking privileged, and I should be glad I get this kind of opportunity, ...but I'm just not. I am DONE with schoolwork. One never stops learning, but none of the things I wish to learn are taught in those schools. My fucking roommate, is starting to act like the exact kind of people I just can't stand for, those who toy with the feelings of others. His gf cheating on him, I get it, now she wants him back because she realized she will be alone all her life (I'm saying this for a reason, trust me). My roommate is now dating both her, and this Chinese girl that's been eyeing him for a while. He intends to break up with her only after she buys him a birthday present, since she's basically rich and all... Am I jealous? Yeah, kinda. Allow me that much since the last relationship I had was 4 years ago, and my now ex-gf died while committing suicide. It's also a huge bummer when they start talking on skype about racist stuff and death suicide without a care in the world. Yes, I'm touchy on the whole death subject, I think I at least have the right to be. And why is it that despite my devotion to not being a dick to anybody, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my acquaintances in London have been people trying to get advantage of the fact that I'm financially well off? I detest the fact that, to this day, I still receive calls and naked pictures from girls who want to marry me... no that's not right, want to marry into my family. A 32 years old woman proposed to me one day, ring and everything. To this day I still don't know her name... Ajj... so many more things to complain about, but I've went on too huge of a tangent... I think I feel a bit better now? I need some sleep.
Jan 29, 15 at 8:47pm
I wanted to write that at the end, but I don't really like using #s ¬¬
Jan 29, 15 at 8:50pm
And then again, are they really?
Jan 29, 15 at 8:56pm
Frustration abound, but for family expectation...mostly. You can always do your own damn thing, you know? But the questions are, what's the price for your freedom and is it worth it?
Jan 29, 15 at 9:04pm
Like every other kind of family, black families have a ton of unwritten rules. I could go and do my own thing. They ARE giving me the choice after all. And yet they're not. Because everything I do will have an impact on the rest of my family, mainly my little brothers. If I went and did my own things, it WILL have devastating consequences.
Dang bro, bigger person than I. I chose to run off to live my own life, I selfishly chose my freedom at the cost of others suffering, eh, I'd do it all over again. When family/friends get so toxic you feel like suffocating, just had to get out. Seriously tho, fuck family businesses. Love making income on my own terms and not for anyone else but I. Doing what you love, is what it's all about. Haha, think it all goes numb when everyone you've loved detest you, and how much you've hurt those who didn't deserve it are suffering because of you. Good times.
I say screw the rules written or not. I have little brothers and sisters but I don't live for them. I love for me and if I set a good example so be it. Mine wants me to be a nurse but since I decided to go a different way it causes problems sure but at the end of it all if you aren't happy screw em. I might not have everything like a relationship but Wait long enough and she will come along. University is important and your school work is done but find small ways to improve yourself like a website with digital classes like lynda.com. Suicide is a serious deal, I attempted it myself but you can't blame yourself or dwell on it. It's not your fault, she could have came to anyone including yourself help. Being financially well off is a blessing and a curse, you have to find someone who can see past that and see you and not your bank account.Sorry if I seem insensitive but I can't stand to see anyone beat themselves up or vent about things they aren't fully in control of
Jan 29, 15 at 9:43pm
Some people are selfish. If they think they can get something from you, they will more than likely try and go for it and I have noticed it more from the Londoners I know. Maybe it's because it's soo expensive living in London? Of course not everyone is like that but yeah, it sucks that your surrounded by them. In terms of your family situation, is there no way you can talk to your dad about this stuff? I respect you for looking out for the rest of your family, but is it really worth being unhappy for? I know this was more of a vent rather than looking for advice type of thing, but hopefully things work out for the best for you man.
It's a pain for mc's in anime as well, being next in line and taking the business, but what I learned is to live how you want, I mean, you have a right to live your own life! I live how I like, sure there are sometimes some yanks on the chain you have to endure, but after all that, you got a right to say "Shut up, my life is my life, you did yours, now I do mine how I like!". As long you do nothing illegal, there's nothing wrong about it. And you have a right to complain, even if being rich. Many times, we get a bunch of tea, but prefer to drink coffee. Also, if we never complained, we would never know right from wrong, in our eyes, just mindless slaves without ever wanting anything better. If you ever need someone to chat with, or vent, you can find me on skype ichirai_shonin Sure, I think it be nice to be rich, but I would never use anyone like that, because friends are better than enemies *Gives thumbs up*! http://i.imgur.com/FDu5Tlx.jpg
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