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Overcoming shyness?

I wouldn't say I'm painfully shy, I mean I can talk to people I don't know with no problem, apart from being a little nervous, and I'm not really afraid to express my geeky side, but say a cute girl is walking past me and she looks at me, my sudden reaction is to nope it and I always look to the floor to avoid eye contact (don't ask why, it's a sudden reaction, probably to avoid looking like a creep >_< ). Anyway, is there a way to stop being as shy so my sudden reaction is to try to avoid eye contact, I can tell this will be a HUUUGE problem in the future >_<
Hmmm, I understand what you are saying. I'm usually a person who never starts a conversation and need people to start it off for me. Honestly I think the best thing to do is just start talking about whatever comes into your head first ( as long as its not totally creepy ;D ) Once you start talking the rest should come naturally and you won't feel awkward anymore. And if they just look at you with a face of disgust... well what happens happens.
Yeah, Shyness almost made me fall apart at one point in time. Thankfully, that terrible experience helped me understand how to get around it. It is all outlined in a simple quote: "Fuck it" That's it. Just force yourself to do it. Keep telling yourself that whatever happens, it won't be that bad. Sure, you may be lying to yourself, but eventually you will begin to believe in that lie and as such your shyness will disappear gradually. Now, this isn't fool-proof and it definitely won't cure you a 100 percent, but it will give you much needed confidence which I am pretty sure you are lacking in, just like me. Anyways, good luck to you, my comrade-in-shyness.
Thanks, I will try to keep at it, hopefully it somewhat goes away quick >_<
I use to be painfully shy when I was younger, But ace is right, Just do it, If you fail, You fail and you aren't in a worse position then before you tried, But if your lucky you may get something out of it. Sooner or later if you keep doing this your shyness will disappear.
Pretend to not be shy. Keep the act on and it will become more than an act. At least that's how I was advised when I was at Toastmasters (worked out pretty well too).
Jan 23, 15 at 5:58pm
Ok I really need advise on how to get close to the guy I really like at school. :O
Jan 23, 15 at 6:40pm
Just be you, and just talk more to him.
Jan 24, 15 at 12:56am
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Jan 24, 15 at 2:49pm
@berachi, my suggestion to you is to take a genuine interest in the guy you like. Ask him about his family, friends, likes, etc. Make an effort to actually talk to him and get to know him and try to spend time with him. Unless the guy is completely clueless (and to be fair, HS boys can be REALLY oblivious to such things) he should figure out you're into him. If he reciprocates by wanting to spend time with you and makes time to talk with you, then yeah, there's a decent chance he likes you.
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