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Being friends with someone younger than you?

My body is developed for a girl my age so I always attract guys who have a few/a lot of years on me. I got kind of tired flirting and dating guys older than me because it wasn't anything platonic and it was just guys with no morals who were trying to hook up with me, knowing that I'm underage. I used to think it was okay to be promiscuous but I realized what's the best for me.. and then I started becoming so sensitive to anything sexual or anything that has to do with dating. I was looking for a boyfriend in all the wrong places and now I realized I'm happier being single and being a teenage girl than worrying about guys. *wah* And now amazingly I'm ace(asexual) But no, seriously. I really used freaky. My point is are you okay having a friendly and/or romantic relationship with someone who's younger than you? I'm okay with being FRIENDS with someone older than me. Because all of you are like older than me and fjslfjljgl sorry
Honestly I'e met many more younger mature people, then old. So yes I do not mind being friends or having a romantic(No younger then fourteen, I got morals to uphold) relationship with those younger then I. Though to be fair my only relationship was with someone older *shrug*. Honestly age is but a number, The mental maturity is what matters most.
YAY I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER bc my friend on tumblr is always teasing me about my age and it's like fuck u
Sure, why not? I usually see those younger than me as deserving a bit of guidance and help if need be. Not a huge fan of older guys excessively hitting on/exploiting younger females and vice-versa, but unfortunately it happens.
Yup ;n; I just wanted to know! Because my friend Lamel sometimes makes me feel like I'm 5. Like I turn 14 this year and he turns 20 right after me so everytime I mention something on my thoughts he's all like you're so young and it's a little embarrassing to always be reminded your age when everyone else around you is older than you.
Haha, well older doesn't necessarily mean better! I really hate how today my physical stamina plummeted compared to when I was 14: time to build Terminator legs and find a heart donor
Friends of all ages lol
I can be friends with people of all ages, and the kids on here are surprisingly mature. Relationship wise I have to say my limit would be 18, absolutely no younger. That would just feel wrong.
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