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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

They are pediatricians get paid for that to work with children I'm sure at home they act good. As for the age and not being mature. Let's break it down they are teens and yes some are mature but they don't date younger or dame age. Which is a contradiction because they are pretty much saying themselves are not mature
They are pediatricians get paid for that to work with children I'm sure at home they act good. As for the age and not being mature. Let's break it down they are teens and yes some are mature but they don't date younger or dame age. Which is a contradiction because they are pretty much saying themselves are not mature
@wallace614 Don't be so sure about how pediatricians act at home. Obviously there are a wide variety of personalities, but there is often a big difference in the personality of a pediatrician vs. someone who treats adults. People don't become pediatricians for the payment (it sucks), but because they enjoy it.
@drmario, Definitely agree about pediatricians based off the pediatricians I personally know :p It's not the age number that is particularly important to me so much as that we're in similar life stages. Which does mean that whoever I'm looking for will be older, but I think there's a huge difference in lifestyles and life expectancies between like an out of grad school, starting a career 26 year old and a fresh out of high school 18 year old.
There you go xueli answer the paradox if your life style and life expectations are the same then maybe but most likely not
I would say 16-20 but it's mostly about personality that I care for. I just love someone who has the same interest and know that she will love me for who I am.
@wallace, I'm not terribly sure what you're asking but I'm going to try to answer. Basically it's like, for example, the difference between "I want to have a family soon." and "I want to have a family someday." They both ultimately want the same thing but there's questions as to the timeline and that difference is incredibly substantial when considering a serious relationship.
Call it sad but I've given up on a relationship these days. I just feel like I'm forbidden to have a relationship with someone that I genuinely like and well when I reject someone else that I think is mutually incompatible for me, I feel like an ass. I do enjoy being single though and have more time for the things I want to do. That being said, for non serious relationships I've been attracted towards cougars that are like around 5 to 10 years older than me. Haven't seen it mentioned around these parts a lot but I'll just straight up admit that. I do think it could screw up my perception totally when I feel like settling down and getting married, if that at all. Even if it's not a serious relationship, I'm still respectful and treat the moment as a semi-relationship, if that makes sense at all. Not to be a gloomy post or anything. I'm content with life for the most part and relationships and sex aren't high on my priority list right now. If something happens it happens. If I meet the right person, then that's cool but if not no biggie.
There is a few older ppl on here that joined this site ^_^ Everyone deserves to find someone with the same interest ..... regardless of their age.... ^_^
As long as they are old enough to drink.. or know how to not get caught ( just kidding... Tickling tomatoes is fun)
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