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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

^Lololz, awe my loss then XD
Uh i would say i usually go max 5 to 4 years older and like max 3 years younger lol
25-35 would be my cap range... hehehehe :) Truth is,.. I'm a rather childish person, so... I often aim for the ones more mature than me,,, because, you know what they say. Those who have a contradicting personalities often ends up happy together... ^_^
18 to 32 is my age preference.
I'd probably go between 20-40 depending on the personality. I don't care much about age so long as they're mature and we have some common interests.
I'm ok as long as they don't look too old like middle aged, like my parents.
Since I'm really mature for my age I try and date older people, not too old considering I'm only 16 but between 18-20 because people my age or horrendous half the time.
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