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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

2-3 years younger than me and any age if you are older, I would date a 40 year old woman if personalities and interests lined up.
Generally in my age group, due to maturity levels and life experiences. Too young, and they are too naive for me. Much older, and they have very different expectations and maturity levels. I am 23 right now. I would not date lower than 18 due to legality issues and age group range, and I would probably not date higher than 26.
Shinyumi's philosophy: If you set them on a curb and their feet touch the ground, it's fair game.
For anyone below my age, I'd go 2-3 years younger than me. Same goes if it's someone older than me as well. Generally I'm a tall dude anyway, so age doesn't matter too much for me anyway.
I would say 10 years older to 8 years younger is my general range
As for me I prefer 10 years older or 4 years younger than me...
I don't really think about it... as long as they're mature enough and won't cheat and all that. Obviously people could be too young... and I wouldn't go out with a grandma, but yeah.
I'm 22 so no younger than 4 years and no older than 8 years.
I'm not legal yet (17) so probably not over 18. 19 maybe but I don't want to risk getting the other person in trouble. I'd go for my age or younger, it all depends on personality / maturity.
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