Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
Okay guys.. I'm tinkering with the thought of making a series of YouTube videos. This is my personal challenge to keep up with my raw meal replacement shakes. Any feedback or other encouragement is greatly appreciated :)
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
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Raw meal challenge day #1
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
Good luck with that ^^
I couldn't watch much of the video because my computers being slow today but are you just doing this for a certain period of time? Like two weeks? A month?
jas @jas
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Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
Thanks for trying to check it out :) Most of these "soylent green" challenges last a whole month.
Not sure if I have the willpower.. even if I do cheat!
Key @key17
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Raw meal challenge day #1
Key @key17
Well don't cheat. You'll spoil your effort and money.
jas @jas
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Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
That's good advice. I once tried to go on a konnyaku diet and ended up filling my fridge with stuff I didn't eat :p Think I'll try for losing a stone and then review things from there.
Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
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Raw meal challenge day #1
Lily O'Malley @lilyomalley
Best of luck with this!
I can't say I've tried this myself but I'm sure all those supplements would taste millions of times better if you could blended some ice and something better to flavor it with. I would recommend ice and berries, then you would make a berry smoothie and get all the supplement stuff with it.
Remember it's the things you eat that matters, not always the flavor or the amount. Adding berries and the like will just make you a little healthier and it'll make whatever that concoction is taste that much better.
jas @jas
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Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
Thanks Lily O'Malley! That's a good idea. I've got some concentrated cherry juice in my fridge that would qualify.
I've been a slacker trying to get more episodes on YouTube. I'm thinking of expanding the theme a bit since I'm doing much more with the diet and exercise. Have to think about this :)
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Raw meal challenge day #1
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
eat a rat raw alive, i would pay to watch that
jas @jas
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Raw meal challenge day #1
jas @jas
Red meat is pretty bad for you. Not to mention all the pet lovers would curse me for life.
kc_watz @kc_watz
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Raw meal challenge day #1
kc_watz @kc_watz
What?! I've eaten raw bacon and steak before! I've eaten a raw egg too.. I thought at least the egg was healthy!
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