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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

But I agree.
Half assed sarcasm eludes the internet. :P Anyways... I just hate to see people bashing their own country while not even fully understanding it or the one they seem to envy. It takes away the human element and makes it more about fantasy and objectifies people in my megre opinion.
Basing my answer on yashaat I can say American girls don hold the same values as other girl in this case as japanese girls.I was not born here in the USA so my point of view is different
@yaasshat Ah I see where you are going there. Bu yes, I agree wholeheartedly on objectify cultures, races, and societies. I think it can even go as far as to the point of fetishizing. I understand having preferences but I also think if you aren't getting results in dating or partners and are complaining about it, then that person should maybe make modifications in their preferences. Though, it can be dangerous and harmful to fetishize certain races. And I am not saying having a preference. I am talking about stereotyping people like saying "All Asian women are weak, submissive, soft-spoken etc." or "All Latino men are spicy, passionate, romantic etc."
Lol trolling hard and dirty
Nah, that'd be an actual preference. I really am more attracted to white women, but I will not deny beauty, no matter the color or ethnicity. More people than want to admit, have preferences like that and I do not mean that to be taken as a racist statement in any way, shape or form.
^ I agree with that yass but the fact remains not just Japanese but all asian women are more attractive to me Being born and raised in San Diego and moving to Trenton and Atlanta don't help since you know there is a decent sized asian demographic in each area and alot of my friends were of the asian persuasion
No no I mean to have a preference that all people of this certain group are this certain way and I think all of them are like that. Like how there is a stereotype that all Latinos are passionate, romantic, and exotic. Having a preference for Latinos because you associate them with being a stereotype is called fetishing. I say Latino because I am Latina and that is how people will assciated me.
Happened at least once in here with asch, I can say that much. (To be clear, him calling me voluminous and how I should understand passion and romance)
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