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sex tape

Situation: secretly recording your girlfriend having sex with you and telling right afterwards to see if she's into it? She was very upset and states that I betrayed her trust even though I showed it to her right afterwards and deleted it like she requested.
My point is that I haven't betrayed her trust because it stayed between the two of us and I shared it right afterwards. My reason for doing it was to make things exiting and so I could capture her without her holding back because of the camera. I like tho here what everyone's points will be. Note! She will be reading replies as well.
jas @jas commented on sex tape
Dec 11, 14 at 8:37am
No you did. Ask FIRST then do. Sex between partners with a relationship is more an expression of mutual attraction, affection and trust. I'll let you figure out which of those three you just broke. Don't justify that shit. When she's ready to talk tell her how you feel about her. Tell her how exciting and wonderful loving making is to you and that you stepped out of line. Explain that you know why she feels betrayed and that you regret your actions. Tell her how you plan to communicate about such things safely in the future. Expect many cold showers and lonely nights, sir.
Thank you for your input.
jas @jas commented on sex tape
Dec 11, 14 at 9:45am
Believe it or not I'm on your side in that I want your relationship to work through this. I've got ten years more life experience as well. If you can get over your pride this can be a learning experience.
Dec 11, 14 at 10:06am
We had gotten over it but it came up again last night. It has been months. We're just interested in the different points of views out there.
jas @jas commented on sex tape
Dec 11, 14 at 10:13am
That's a relief! Good for you, man! :) Sorry if I was harsh. If it was something current then you may have needed a kick in the pants (to really heed advice).
Dec 11, 14 at 11:05am
Different points of view, you say? More like looking for reinforcement... I mean, you're only going to get "yes it was" or "no it wasn't" answers and you already stated that you don't think it was betrayal (even though you should be grown up enough to realize that most will think it is). In other words, it might just be my two cents, but it should be a common sense answer. What did you expect? That most certainly is betrayal of trust and a bit creepy if you ask me...
Dec 11, 14 at 12:54pm
This is a discussion. There's no need to bash. Just share your point of view in this type of situation. No one is asking you to try to make yourself look good by verbally assaulting the person who brought the topic to light. The discussion will stray away from the topic.
Dec 11, 14 at 3:31pm
Me? Look good? I'm flattered. Also, I'm not bashing so much as pointing out the obvious.... Ok... So as not to derail to much... I'll reiterate. It's disrespectful,distasteful, selfish, mildly narcassitic l, invasion of privacy and a betrayal of her trust. Filming and asking is one thing, but just saying "Surprise! " shows a lack of respect.
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