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Notice Me Senpai

@Jezh22: Haha I haven't finished the Soul Eater anime (Mainly because I forgot what episode I was on...I've been too lazy to go back and search where I left off), but I heard it didn't follow the manga and people weren't too thrilled about it.
Dec 10, 14 at 4:48pm
@lady: yeah...
Dec 11, 14 at 6:38pm
Hello, yes senpai is here... 1. I would never pass up a chance to notice a darling new kouhai! 2. Probably around eight or nine years old. Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Digimon. 3. Probably something like Ghost in the Shell. As much as I love horror anime, I couldn't do it. 4. .....Neon Genesis Evangelion.... 5. Both, honestly. Some things work better in anime and some in manga. It's always worth checking out both. 6. Have you ever wached Shiki? Everyone from Shiki.
@imouto: Senpai is here? It is as the prophecy has foretold! Holy crow... I was wondering if anyone would ever mention Shiki... I think that one blue haired guy in particular had the weirdest hair...
Dec 11, 14 at 7:10pm
I shouldn't be laughing, but here we are. I have a really rough sense of humor! I apologize in advance. IDK the nurse really did it for me. I've wanted to cosplay from Shiki for the longest time.. but I couldn't even begin to imagine how I would go about tackling those wigs...
Dec 11, 14 at 7:13pm
Well those hairs are crazy.. Specially the werewolf guy >w>
@imouto: Pffft Doesn't bother me. No need to apologize. You haven't offended me. The nurse did have weird hair, but I just really wanted to clip those weird cat ear looking hairs off of the one guys head... It annoyed me so much... @jezh: Werewolf guy? Are you referring to Shiki? If so I don't think I remember a werewolf character... Then again it's been a little while since I've watched it.
Dec 11, 14 at 7:46pm
yeah remember he explained in rare occasions when they are turned they becomes werewolves like in tha case of the main character and this guy they can be on sunlight http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n256/animanic_critic/umee_Shiki_-_18_6BBD2D5Cmkv_snapshot_0229_20101203_214432.jpg
Oooooh! That was the guy I was referring to xD
Dec 11, 14 at 7:52pm
yup hes the werewolf!
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