Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Just a funny situation. So, a gal new to Facebook joined an anime group with me and accepted my friend request. I checked out her profile information and noticed her cellphone number was visible. I tried explaining why that is a bad idea and how to change it. She suddenly stops messaging me. Now, this could be one of those things where she had to hang up her cellphone and stop posting. It could also be that I creeped her out enough by warning her about the cellphone that she simply stopped talking to me.
..sigh. I guess if didn't tell her some real freak would have stalked her. Still feel like I took one on the chin for being a decent person.
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
Falling on my sword..
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
Yeah it's good to keep your phone number off of social media websites because who knows who could of got ahold of them. You did a good thing and if someone was to stop speaking to you for trying to give them advice are they really worth having them around? Anyhow I think you made a fair shout, I see nothing wrong with what you did.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Falling on my sword..
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
You did what was right. Don't feel bad about it, If the person stops talking to you because you gave them advice then they might not be as cool as you think man.
But either way, Good job.
jas @jas
commented on
Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Thanks! I guess I just needed a sanity check :)
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Falling on my sword..
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Don't worry your still sane haha, Or insane. Well depends on which you prefer being.
jas @jas
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Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Probably insane. She was a guitarist in a band and was involved in robotics. Finding a gal in I.T. is like finding a friggin unicorn :p
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Falling on my sword..
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
^It is, sucks if you frighten her off (I almost did, still on shaky ground)
jas @jas
commented on
Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Yep. I should be finishing off video game development projects anyway. Even a virtual social life takes its toll :p
jas @jas
commented on
Falling on my sword..
jas @jas
Okay, not that anyone asked for it: status update!
Turns out she was cool. I even showed her how to stalk herself (i.e. Google her name and contact info). I shared a personal secret with her just in case she was put off by my knowing her cellphone.
Danger averted. Thanks for the ears :)
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
Falling on my sword..
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
Nicely done, good to hear it turned out ok.
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