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I feel like giving up on this site!

I joined this site with high hopes of finding someone like myself to share my love of Anime with, however, nobody really seems attracted to me on here. There was one person who I used to talk to on here and she has all but disappeared. It seems all the great women who love anime are taken. Even if that's true I refuse to give up my love for Anime just to find someone. Is there any hope at all or should I just quit this site? I don't know what to expect from this post but I'm just looking for a non-judgmental woman who can learn to love me as I can learn to love her. Sucks being a hopeless romantic nerd. Girls don't seem to like guys like me anymore :(.
Nov 25, 14 at 11:10am
Welcome to the oldtaku club my friend. It is not easy being an anime fan in the over 30 crowd because the vast majority of female users who even join this site are in the 15 to 25 range. Those that are over 18 usually aren't interested in dating guys 10+ years their senior with so many male anime fans closer to their own age. This combined with so many users being spread out and the ratio of guys to girls already being (at best) 2 to 1, we're already behind the 8 ball before we even join this site.
Finding friend you can have hope in here, but for lover not a chance. You are not hopeless, people are just selfish. Get a lover you know of in your daily life. You stand more of a chance. But is up you to decide what you need.
And I'm gassy. Do ya know what the correlation is? Just let it out and get over it. Sorry the virtual vending machine didn't work for ya, but ya get what ya pay for... It sounds like you're only limitation is you. Does she have to be an "otaku"? Does anime have such a strong hold on you that you can't see yourself with a woman who doesn't hold the same affinity? Also, these kind of circle jerk threads are bound to bring people what they want....Sad, depressive, angst filled hand sex... Meh...just like seven days( or months of issues because of birth control ...Damn you science !) out of the month for mwah...*ahem* I mean... Poor fella *pats back*... Tomorrow! Tomorrow! There's always tomorrow ! It's only a day awaaaaaay! P.S Surely this wll just bring in duh ladies... Right?
If you're using this site for dating, you're doing it wrong.
Nov 25, 14 at 9:02pm
Yeaaah, you're only gonna find friends in here. As Animefood said, you're gonna have to find one irl. Or if you don't feel like doing that, you can always resort to ACTUAL dating sites. Just go easy on what you expect from your possible lover, the word "otaku" has a really bad connotation, regardless of you age. If you want my opinion, I think that rather than looking for a fellow otaku to mate with, just look for any woman at all that you're gonna get along with, not just one that you share hobbies with. I don't do much online dating, but I'm pretty sure that if a hobby is all the two of you have in common, it probably won't go far. That's just me though.
I'm definitively doing it waaaaaaay wrong. I give up. just kidding... errr I say... not kidding Anyone wantts to be my sex friend? If you give up being straight you can stress out this with me, while you can't find a girl. Chinamini is a shhameless very cutee horny girl second life humanoid interface.
No... Chinamini is a creepy almost middle aged man. Side note... I'm still gassy... Eat healthy for one night and it throws everything out of wack.
No yassat, I don't want you. I want another matured one at same age or older, or mature in mind as preference. Your time has to come. Everyone gets old. Takes time to learn. Only fools, or children judge the actor because of its role in the movie. Go date your cute young girl. ...almost middle age, Smiles "THANKS".
Besides, he cannot has expectation online site. I'm giving a clear explanation that he has better chance in his daily basis than here. The more he dwell and has expectation, only wasting his precious time. If he want advice or seeking for friend, it is a good start to build courage.
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