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"Opposites Attract"

Nov 23, 14 at 9:34pm
Ah, but variety is the spice of life.
Ive seen a lot of this in my friends and family. They tend to fight a lot since they dont agree on many things and have very different personalities and approaches. They still love each other I think. At least half of the time.
"It is a common saying that people should marry their opposites. Nothing could be more contrary to universal law than this statement. Everywhere in Nature, like attracts like. This is fundamental. Opposites repel each other. Opposites in temperament and physical patterns invite discord, infidelity and mutual degradation. Matrimonial mismating unbalances the blood stream just as certainly as promiscuous mismating unbalances it. " (Walter Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, Vol. II, p. 167) http://www.walter-russell.de/en/Beziehung.php Just to be clear, Same sex, inter-racial, means all the same. They have "common points of view", Complementary they share same, hobby or love. But not opose. I can't estress about magnets. They are Alike, are magnetism. That extraordinary effect we see very few times "in natura" , while in every other place in nature, alike atracts alike, they never understood or dominate gravity and magnetism academically yet use magnetism to explain mistaken laws, as if where not absurd base laws fisics on invisible and extraordinary effects that man never really understood like some paranormal effects. I have finished the full curse by correspondence by Walter Russel. But I did alone. I'm not afiliated to any institution.
Nov 24, 14 at 7:23am
@ yaasshat So we shouldn't settle on one romantic partner but keep sampling them all throughout our life - interesting
And ponies of a hair, stay there?
Nov 24, 14 at 2:05pm
I hardly believe that an extrovert girl want an introvert boy xD
Nov 24, 14 at 2:25pm
Then you'd hardly believe my girlfriend.
Nov 30, 14 at 12:34am
Hm, the girls I've dated that I've liked the most were the ones that shared similar interests and hobbies. I also like to engage in deep meaningful conversations sometimes but there are people who are not into that either. For me, I'd say the opposite of that phrase holds true.
Nov 30, 14 at 12:52am
Opposite hobbies or careers are one thing.. personalities can get complicated. Everybody carries around their own bag of emotional garbage. Stuff that hasn't been dealt with even since childhood. Sometimes we get into relationships with people that make us trip over that shizz so we're forced to deal with it. So, if you're an emotional guy and you go for a restrained girl, you might be in it to have a bad time.
I completely disagree. Sorry but that just doesn`t fit in my mind. SImilar tastes should provide a better friendship/relationship.
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