You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Key @key17
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Key @key17
AAAH!! Stop talking please, I don't want to see my future yet!!
jas @jas
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
jas @jas
Naw. I think you've got a more level head on these things. As long as you remember to give only as much as they do you'll be fine. A fine line indeed.
Key @key17
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Key @key17
Haha! Well thanks I guess.
jas @jas
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
jas @jas
Today I had a tiny rejection from a 26 year old gal on one of those big online dating sites. She was into classic games and Japan in general. Had an "86%" match (which means we answered the relationship questions basically the same)
I messaged her about video games and she replied back nice enough but said my age was a deal breaker. So, sucks to be me. Even if they share the same interests and ideas I can't even be a friend at 39.
Key @key17
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Key @key17
Well, my friend's girlfriend, is much older than him. About 12 years or so. So I'd say it depends on each person.
jas @jas
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
jas @jas
Oh, totally! That camgirl that I befriended is 19. It's just the people within driving distance that are confounding. I suspect though I've just found my newest dating hurdle. Feels weird to be judged by two digits and not the person that I am.
Honō no Gaki @hogaki
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Honō no Gaki @hogaki
Hard not to say Jas that most women judge men by their looks, age, job, habits, etc, etc and etc. So don`t get surprised if she rejected you because of your age. There`s plenty of women like that one, but also women that think that age is not a barrier. So chill out man and be patient. ;)
Key @key17
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Key @key17
Mmmm... Don't take it too personally. I wouldn't say you were judged. More like, put in a "Not an option". It's like when you go shopping for something, and when you get to the section where they sell the thing you want, you immediately pass over the things that are way over you budget.
Plus, judging people is nothing new. We all judge on first impressions, even if we don't want to admit it.
jas @jas
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
jas @jas
^^ Pretty much what Key said. No one has ever told me I look 39. I'm not as fit as I'd like to be so I'm not in beefcake mode. Which, apparently, is expected. I just needed to vent for a moment. Tomorrow is another day as they say :)
The side benefits of giving into female vanity is I get healthier and more confident. I need this for web casting as well. I've waited nearly a decade to date again. I've got patience to spare!
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
commented on
You. Are. REJECTED! ...again.
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
I asked out a girl who told me she was taken but I wouldn't call it rejection.
I felt disappointed though but it wasn't too bad.
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