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Is it strange..

We got alot of the submissive kind in here.....
When I grow up I'm gonna put life insurance on my wife and then make bank from her "accidental" death. ;D
Nov 06, 14 at 8:16pm
Yeah I'd say its a bit weird. It depends on how you mean you act childish though. I act childish in one respect, And that's I'm silly and love to joke around. Now it like I said it depends on how your childish, If you childish in the way you just like to have fun, Then there's plenty of people like that. Now if you mean childish as in you can't take care of yourself or don't want too. Then there's a problem. But believe what you wish I doubt anything I say will change your opinion. Me personally I couldn't stand it if someone did everything for me, Then what would I do all day? haha.
Nov 06, 14 at 11:59pm
You should fix that, it's a bad sign.
how are you acting 6 and what are you expecting to come from it?
Nov 08, 14 at 2:31am
Personally, I don't think that's weird at all. It's just your type of preference. Some females want to have their partners dependent on them completely like that. Although, I would not want that. As long as it doesn't get in the way of the relationship, then who the hell cares what your preference, or fetish, is. If you really like a girl who doesn't like that kind of guy, then either give up and look elsewhere or change. Whatever you want. Basically what I'm saying is, it's not weird. But THATS MY OPINION.
I can't say it's weird, but I can't quite say its normal either. But of course ordinary is boring. Now I think emotionally we all have things we need versus what we want. I myself wouldn't want to date extremely needy people because those tend to be so clingy and I like having my own space. Would it be nice to have someone who had a less need for it but still some, I could get on board with that. It definitely beats being ignored. I mean we all hope to be taken care of by someone we are with, doesn't necessarily mean its a motherly thing, because I think we all just want to be with someone who will show us compassion and love when we need it, but wanting it constantly is coming to expect something from someone who may not be able to do that without recieving something in return which is why things may have turned out the way they did.
It's very weird, stop lying to the kid, people, otherwise he's going to live an extremely sheltered life and when he winds up on his own, he won't have a clue how to survive.
If it purely rp then it not thats strange just depends on what you are getting out of it that keeps you comeing back
Nov 08, 14 at 1:51pm
As with all things, I look to John Lennon, the closest modern person to Jesus for answers. And he referred to Yoko Ono as "Mother". Because his mother died right in front of him when he was 17 in a car crash. It messed him up and he wanted a wife who treated him like in a maternal way. He also beat up women and forced them to be by his side because he was worried they'd leave him (by dying or breaking up). John Lennon could get away with it because he was a Beatle and worth a lot of money, but we as men should not aspire to be like that. So learn from Lennon and not do what he was done (he said that in a song)
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