was destiny a let down for you?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
was destiny a let down for you?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
now i dont wanna be mean or rude to those who are in love with the game and if you did then im glad you enjoy your game but as for me ima flat out say it i was real disappionted with destiny the game felt diffrent from what i saw and read and the style it is and took feels like theres so many holes and either unfinished or altered project that couldve made it better given i spent alot if time on it and enjoyed it very much but at the same time i feel that i payed WAY more then what it felt like its worth i havnt bought the dlc and im waiting to see what the dlc does for us if it also ends up as a let down then i think ima trade it in in enjoying the new borderlands way more then destiny irioniclly there was hype for it since ppl wanted destiny so what do you think
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
I have to agree with you. They built up such a big hype about it and the game really turned out to be a letdown. Already sold it and waiting until tomorrow to get sunset overdrive with the money from it.
Katecake @elliecake
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
Katecake @elliecake
I thought it looked like Borderlands meets Halo, and knew that will just not work. So I avoided it.
Karasu @kain_karasu
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was destiny a let down for you?
Karasu @kain_karasu
Now, don't get me wrong here, I love Destiny, it was a great game for the whole week it took me to do everything in the game but the problem was...and still is...that there is an utter lack of things for you to do. That's not really the only problem though, if everything wasn't so...flat (I mean even Peter Dinklage sounds bored) then maybe it would actually be entertaining to re-play the limited amount of strike missions over and over and over again. Not to mention, the most profitable way to 'play' the game is to stand in front of a cave and shoot things over and over again or run around in the same area in circles to get the most efficient kill per minute ratio. I tried to play pvp for a little while after I got done with everything but the pvp is a joke (not that it's hard -_-) Anyways I look forward to what the game will bring in the upcoming years but the fact of the matter is that it's basically an unfinished game, which infuriates me because a glitch showed that it obviously had wayyyy more content before they released it and just cut out a bunch of it...probably for updates or expansions or what have you...still was a bitch move on their part and is probably why their having such a huge fallout of players.
I'll go back to the game eventually...but until then Wild Star's got my back.
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
agree to you all *-*
Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
They were told to cut out most of the things in the game.
The company or w.e they are with. I forgot but I read up on it before to find out why the game was unfinished.
Everything was done they just cut it out so they can put it into the dlcs :P
So the game everyones enjoying is (30% maybe) of the game lol
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
Karasu @kain_karasu
I bet the company was pretty angry when the glitch exposed just how much of the game they really had done, still not half as angry as I was nor the community at the bullshit stunt they pulled. If they try to make me pay for ANY of the content I saw with the glitch I'm just not going to play it anymore. Hell I'm sure you could borderline sue the company for false advertising.
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
they could not be angry if they were (im sry to sound mean) real gamers they should have known the content they had in the game that was playble wouldve been beaten and or gotten bored by the hardcore consumers and they without a doubt started looking for glitches and or secrets especially with a like three or four month wait time till the next expansion theres no one they couldnt have seen that coming even though i didnt max out my level when i finished the story maybe after three or four days i was looking for secret stuff like that and this is bungie im may not be a fan halo but even i knew the games was know for fun lil glitches hidden or uncomplete maps and stuff
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
but then again every game ever made has those but still they shouldve known it wasnt gonna be enough for the tike period we have to wait for the expansion
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
was destiny a let down for you?
Karasu @kain_karasu
I'm not talking about incomplete anything, there have been guys who have hacked their way into the locked content while the glitch was active and proved that not only were the maps complete, but they also had functioning enemy spawn points, some dialogue, bosses, hell even one guy managed to get some loot from one of the bosses that wasn't supposed to be in the game yet and he got insta-banned. The content was there, functional, and ready to play yet they cut out a lot of what was there and gave some bullshit explanation:
"We noticed that you noticed that we already have plans for upcoming content packs in Destiny. We do! They have activity names (which may or may not change) and we have a really good idea what they're going to contain. They even have placeholder nodes in the Director, as you've already discovered.
But neither of the Expansion Packs we've announced are finished.
People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content for our first post launch pack, 'The Dark Below,' as I type these words. It will be finished soon. It releases in December. Soon, we'll detail it out for you so you can see exactly what we've been working on.
Thanks for playing. Thanks for the passion. We know you want details. We'll talk more soon."
Everyone knew there were going to be glitches, nobodies angry about the glitch, they're angry about what the glitch exposed. I know enough about video game design and production to know that there is no possible way for them to complete a full dlc in that short of a time period without the content already having been there. Sure the diehard gamers would still burn through all the content if they released everything at the get go, but that doesn't mean they should strip the game down to it's skeleton just so they can release parts of the actual game as dlc.
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