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I met a girl on this site.

So I met a girl on this site and I'm not sure if I should pursue it. She likes me and has told me numerous Times... but I'm just so shy. What should I do?
GO FOR IT GURL IM ROOTING FOR YA :D sorry bad advice but sleepy ~_~
Go for it. You're in there. (or something along those lines). I joke, to figure out if something is worth pursuing you must find out whether you want it and what you are willing to sacrifice as it is my belief that if you are willing to sacrifice things instead of backing down you really want something. So just ask yourself, just how much do i want this.
she's 15. what she needs to do is go for the honor roll and deans list. not a relationship
I agree kichigai.
I have to disagree with you there. You should take any chance you get, and i don't mean that it a desperate way but if you're being handed an opportunity the worst thing to do is throw it away.
Oct 28, 14 at 10:13pm
I'm already on honor roll and deans list is only for college no?
Eww a lesbo
Oct 28, 14 at 10:16pm
If she lives near you, why not? Even if it's a LDR, at worst you'll have a good friend out of it.
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