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Do you get depressed when you know someone's love past?

Please don't confuse with this other thread http://maiotaku.com/mytopics/565/mytopics/14882?page=1 Are you one of those who has never had a GF/BF and when you thought someone was on your boat... BOOM! You suddenly discover that he/she had a love experience when was young and then you get depressed because you get slapped by the fact she/he is not in your boat? It happens to me a lot and it's the thing that depresses be the most, I discovered lots of people like that and said "I wish that was my past!", in fact the last time it happened to me I got sick, didn't want to eat, my stomach hurted and I suffered from nausea during all day long. And the worst part is that there are other people in Internet and in real life I suspect from and I'm seriously afraid of finding out they had a love past, I'm not sure what I'm going to do if they tell me that or they say it in a journal/status updates/forum thread.
Well, i dont know if it would bother me if i had never been a relationship, but when i hear peoples and it similar to my last relationship it shakes me up because of the memories o:
Doesn't bother me. My girlfriend does and so do I, but it's a love PAST for a reason. We are together and love each other. You know, for someone who doesn't like complainers, you worry an awful lot about what others have experienced.
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Sorry but I can't be agree, I would rather have had been in a relationship that ended bad than not having experienced any love in my life.
you want a relationship or do you just wanna get laid? hookers are always an option lol
No, I'm not interested in sex.
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Ouch, would you like some ice water for that scalding hot burn? Geezus you guys are harsh lol
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