He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Wonderlust @sica
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Wonderlust @sica
Okay, so about a month ago, I get a Facebook invite from a guy saying he saw my profile on here and wants to get to know me. It starts off that way, with little bit of small talk, he was living in Texas and was going to move to Arizona, where I live. I suddenly got flooded with work and didn't talk or hear from him until the end of the month. I was on my Facebook App, on my cellphone and I get a chat message from him saying he was gonna get rid of his Facebook--which I think is weird cause, I love my Facebook! It's usually how I keep in contact with everyone since I fly a lot for work--anyway so I ask him why and it eventually leads to him telling me his Ex-girlfriend was confusing him and that she couldn't make up her mind, he was very vague about it. But you get the idea, she's probably trying to sort out her feelings between him and another guy, and he's becoming impatient maybe has hopes for them getting back together, that my guess anyway. He deleted his Facebook-I think, and hasn't called or texted me back which to be honest I'm Super glad cause I really didn't want to be involved in a weird love triangle, if i did that would eventually lead to a break up between me and him, I'm sure. And it's pisses me off a little bit. Because this guy(and his ex) wasn't thinking of how any person would feel in that kinda scenario. Dating is hard enough, and stupid things like this is what makes it complicated.
Kronos @kronos
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He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Kronos @kronos
Hm... Sounds to me like he's not quite over his ex-girlfriend. The fact that he's still thinking of her like that tells me that had you stuck around the two of you would be having difficulties. Obviously, you're not gonna wait around for him to make up his mind. I guess you can still talk to him here as a friend, but see if you can find someone with less baggage. I definitely agree with you; things like this <b>do</b> make dating complicated.
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
I say you have the higher strength to not permit this kind of crap from worsening your life. =)
Wonderlust @sica
commented on
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Wonderlust @sica
@Kronos Yeah, I don't even know his username on this site. Besides I don't think I should try and be friends with every guy I meet on here, it feels awkward.
Wonderlust @sica
commented on
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Wonderlust @sica
@squirrelinmycoffee I've had my fair share of drama, and so I know when to just stay out of it. Every girl should always put her best interest first.
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
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He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Nekoyuki @nekoyuki
Well said. No need putting yourself through some crap because someone can't make their mind up. I've been on the wrong end of the same situation... It's not fun...
Anthony @setah
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He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Anthony @setah
"Every girl should always put her best interest first"
Is the point of dating not to put others before yourself? Truth is, your never going to find someone without baggage. A great relationship happens when you can accept someone who has baggage and care about them regardless. Mr. Perfect is never going to sweep you off your feet if you tell him "Hey, if you ever do anything I slightly disagree with I'll dump you because that sounds like too much work."
Wonderlust @sica
commented on
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Wonderlust @sica
@Anthony. I don't mean it in the way your stating it. I'm referring it in that paticular situation. Everyone has baggage, no shit captain obvious. Besides if I'm gonna date someone, I'd rather he be a little heisitant about telling me something deeply personal before laying it all out there. To some people that's a huge "turn off". In my opinion, the point of dating isn't putting someone else before you, for me its finding someone I can see as a future husband. And yes, I know there isn't a Mr.perfect, and what I want isn't Mr.perfect. Its a person who complements with my personality, and who can accept my flaws just as I have, same goes for him.
Also if you know some much about having a great relationship, then why are you even here. Think next time you try to put words in other people's mouths.
Anthony @setah
commented on
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Anthony @setah
I do like how we immediately jump to insults. I never put any words in your mouth first off, I merely re-stated what you basically just said. And if we want to play that game, seeing as how you seem to have it figured out yourself, pray tell, why are you here?
Anthony @setah
commented on
He's still Love with his EX or vice versa
Anthony @setah
I do like how we immediately jump to insults. I never put any words in your mouth first off, I merely re-stated what you basically just said. And if we want to play that game, seeing as how you seem to have it figured out yourself, pray tell, why are you here?
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