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intimate details

Oct 14, 14 at 11:11pm
A good portion of women are just as horny as men. That being said I can understand the hesitation for it on the part of some women just because of the physical consequences a pregnancy can have on them versus men. That all being said, yes sex is important part of almost any relationship. For a lot of people, a long-term monogamous relationship is eventually supposed to blossom into marriage and starting a family. Not every person wants that or does it happen, but that's a big part of it for a lot of straight couples. For me personally, at the stage of my life being a working adult, my goal is to find someone for a LTR. I'm still completely undecided on wanting children, but I do want to have a monogamous relationship with someone and have an active and healthy sex life. It's a special bond two people in the right circumstance can share. Now obviously someone who is still in high school or college is probably going to look at it a lot differently than someone like me who is in his mid-30's. Also someone who has beliefs they should wait for marriage is going to look at it differently too. If people feel they can have and find a relationship with someone where sex is of little or no importance to said relationship, the more power to them. That being said, from my experience, you're going to be in a pretty small minority of people looking for someone like that. Sex is too engrained into a lot of cultures and human nature to limit or complete shut off to a majority of people.
I'm not the only one think that digitalwolf, many people think a relationship with no sex is abnormal, sure finding someone to love is important but can you guarantee that none of them will not get intimate eventually? I say either sex with or without love. You can never have love alone. Your only way to get love is either the two people had some disability or money involvement.
Oct 15, 14 at 6:04am
I don't think sex is necessarily important to a healthy relationship so much as compatible sex drives. Asexual people can have equal or more loving relationships than people who have high sex drives. Honestly it really depends on how high you yourself prioritize sex in a relationship
I don't agree with the term Asexual. I find it complete bullshit.
There is no such an asexual person unless you are not a living being. If you are an object, then you won't need sexual desire.
Oct 15, 14 at 1:09pm
Regardless, it's been widely accepted in the psychological community as there being a significant enough population that it's not a one off variance. The only argument is if it can be classified as it's own sexual orientation. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is also listed in the DSM and still there so in modern psychology, people who lack sexual urges exist.
I had a female roommate in her mid twenties who never had sex and never intends too (with either gender). As for sex, compatible sex drives is a must. The same couple can easily have different kinds of sex depending on their mood. Not just having sex to express love but just having sex if they are horny or expressing other emotions. Sometimes you want to "make love" sweetly and tenderly and sometimes you just want hardcore animalistic fucking. I knew a couple that would fight all the time just so they could have "making up sex" (whatever the point of that was). Anyway, compatible desire is needed for a good relationship. I like to have sex 2-3 times a day, my last gf liked to have sex 2-3 times a month so we didn't work out. I was always horny and sexually frustrated. And if I masturbated to porn it made her feel unatractive and undesirable.
Idc what wiki says. It is complete bullshit. A teen fad that I refuse to accept as cool.
Oct 15, 14 at 8:34pm
More like what published studies have said. But honestly if you don't believe the studies then that's that really.
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