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intimate details

I guess this is a two part question. First, do you think sex is an important part of finding a serious partner?why or why not? Second, if you do feel it's important would you post your sexual interests for your potential partner to find along with your everyday life info? Why or why not?
Sex play a major role in relationship. I don't get is why do girl scare of sex when their boyfriend ask for it. When you in a relationship, you expected to have intimacy unless you either impotent or both sides. Women often see men as a pest that we cannot live without sex, but the nature inhabit us to need sex
I almost completely disagree with you Animefood. I have never met a woman, who is of the right state of mind for a relationship, to be scared of sex. When you're in a relationship you shouldn't expect sex, it should be a way expressing feelings that can't be expressed in other ways or another agreed upon reason. If a woman is seeing a man as a sex pest there is mostly a good reason for it. Women have sexual needs as well. If one partner is unfulfilled constantly, they may not be a good sexual match. The only thing I agree with you about is that sex is an important part of a well developed relationship. Also you didn't reply to the second and most important part of the question. 0.0
Oct 14, 14 at 1:42pm
Yes it is an important part of a well established relationship. It's the most expressive most up most form of trust between to people that love each other. However, I wouldn't go posting any intimate details along with my every day life details because it's personal. That is for someone I love and who loves me and who I have a mutual trust and understanding with. It's not for just any random person to know. There is a line to draw at that I personally feel and that is because, at least with me. You don't just give that part of yourself away unless you really love and care about the person you are doing it with. Also sex shouldn't be expected it should be something that should feel right and a mutual decision between both parties. That is my take as a female.
I know what you mean digitalwolf, but I doubt any relationship not engage intimacy. Im not saying people look at other as a sex figure. I strongly believe that love without intimacy will not last long. My point is that sexual urge is part of the element of human need when need is suppose to be food, shelter and clothing. Many years had gone by that the basic of human needs had added to education and sex requirement is almost the same as sleeping. Over abuse intimacy does had a negative impact.
Sex is not needed for serious love. I'm not saying that everyone can have a good relationship without sex cause, most can't I would guess, it does matter to people. But it is not a necessity. Think of the people who can't have sex for whatever reason, be it medical or a personal choice, yet some still find love. They have beautiful lives with their partners.
fuck yea it is, I was born with a dick so I'm gonna use it to make sure the human race doesn't go extinct ;D
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O.o you both seemed to have missed the point of the question
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