The MaiOtaku Project

altair88 @altair88
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The MaiOtaku Project
altair88 @altair88
Alright well Moving Back to the matter at hand, I agree on the Idea of a Beach scene but its going to have to both appealing to guys and girls so not tentacles even though it makes for great comedy. The Hot spring thing could also be fun but will it be in the Game or in Reality.

Aka-san @redhawk
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The MaiOtaku Project
Aka-san @redhawk
Oh god no, can we please move past the whole fan service episode ir chapter?! It's not like I'm mad or anything but we really need to get back on track with the entire story at hand, how the hell can we do a beach/hot spring episode when we don't even have a chapter done yet?!
Look I'm not mad or anything like that, but I'm trying to keep it real as of now, so what I propose is that we at least get 5 chapters in, (is this the regular 24 pages or 50+ pages?) Then we can at least get back to this, idk maybe I just have a thing against some Cliches. Well I said my peace. Sorry bout that

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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The MaiOtaku Project
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
In game, of course, but mumbles is right.
a first chapter should run between 40 and 60 pages to set the story. Seeing as how there will be quite a few participants i recommend using said chapter to set the stage rather than introduce each character one after another. We already know each other so intros can be short, maybe a page in the bios for each of us, detailing our information with a small pic each.
or have the story intro told as we experience it happening in the first chapter with all of us confused, angry, or scared. Like gantz.

altair88 @altair88
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The MaiOtaku Project
altair88 @altair88
Sigh... Again these things take time and we are just pitching ideas. The whole fan service chapters as you say and just something that will need to be discussed. Also you skipping ahead to page count already when the definitive story hasn't been established also we need the Main character to be discussed. We also need to know how we wish to tell the story. Will it be a story in which heroes win every major battle or will it be a story a bit more real seeing as how Bad guys always have a major advantage. I prefer making the heroes fail in quite a few major battles, in order to continually make them stronger and promote character growth. Example, someone who is on the fence suffers a personal loss or witnesses the error of not taking a side. But if we are going to going into Page Count the standard is usually 60+ pages for the first chapter. As for the ones that follow its usually between 18 to 26 pages. Though I kind of like the idea of doing 30 pages per chapter for personal reasons xD. It give you not too much and not too little. Realizing this I think we will need 5 minimum character to cover the basic roles of an MMO. It would also be beneficial to fail and kill off a character toward the end of the chapter and show how that failure has effected the world. Naturally it would be something small yet mysteriously corresponding to the Area in which the event was held. This will initially be like a trial run for the "GODS" and an eye opener for the players.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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The MaiOtaku Project
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
I vote for more realistic. That way the stakes are higher.

Aka-san @redhawk
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The MaiOtaku Project
Aka-san @redhawk
look I was just saying, forget the fan service, it isn't important at the moment since we still don't have anything solid yet, because THAT's skipping ahead (plus its in every damn anime/manga). It has been discussed that we are not gonna have a main protagonist, but multiple (and if we do go the route of having just one protagonist, we are NOT gonna have the typical 14-17 year old whiny little %^$& that most manga's do, because that's a damn cliche), and mostly older (around early to late twenties). Plus the whole "how many pages are we having" is just setting a goal, because THAT is important.

Aka-san @redhawk
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The MaiOtaku Project
Aka-san @redhawk
I'm trying to keep us focused, I'm saying if we start focusing on a fan service episode/chapter, we won't be taken seriously, and that is something I would hate for to happen. I mean look on page 41 & 42 of this thread, not bashing people at all, but we lost sight of what is important for a bit

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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The MaiOtaku Project
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Rurouni kenshin had characters in their 20s.
that kinda broke the mold for jump. XD

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
The MaiOtaku Project
Aka-san @redhawk
Thats a good thing though right? we want to be different from most mangas

altair88 @altair88
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The MaiOtaku Project
altair88 @altair88
Well Moving, the 4-5 characters and being that will bind us together if none of us wish to be in a main role. The character i created is more so a support character with the ability to be a reoccurring character that is basically a go between due to the nature of the family business. Anyways I also have twin characters that I will post maybe later this evening. As for now however, we require writers that can pitch ideas about how to start off the story because well how can one begin without a beginning. Though for my personal works I like to think up the ending first and keep that in sight and alter it if need be to show that a goal is set.
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