Sex or cuddles?

maukun @maukun
Sex or cuddles?
maukun @maukun
Which of them would you prefer the most in a relationship?
In my case it's option 2!

SquidNeko @darkcharmander
commented on
Sex or cuddles?
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
Cuddles that maybe lead up to sex?

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Sex or cuddles?
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Both, I feel cuddles are a great way to bond and I feel it's important to be on the same page sexually. If I had a season of my favorite anime(s) for every time a relationship ended because we didn't like the same things in bed, I'd be watching digimon a lot more.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Sex or cuddles?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
lol darkcharmander cuddles that lead to sex

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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Sex or cuddles?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Well ive never gotten that far, but i guess i prefer both. I want to be strongly connected to my partner.

blondeangel @blondeangel
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Sex or cuddles?
blondeangel @blondeangel
can it be an object or food besides a him/her? lol

blondeangel @blondeangel
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Sex or cuddles?
blondeangel @blondeangel

(Haru~) @koro_kizama
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Sex or cuddles?
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
Cuddling is like a good thing right I wouldnt know because I never had a gf lol (damn I suck)

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Sex or cuddles?
yaasshat @yaasshat
I get the cuddles,but I'd settle for sex... It's funny how many say they like to cuddle. Be with someone who constantly wants to cuddle and it loses it's appel. Same goes for sex, there has to be a balance and it has to be done for the right reasons. It's like saying "I love you" all the time...
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