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Abusive Relationships

I've never been in an abusive relationship, but my family wasn't exactly the Brady Bunch. What Vamp over there said is true, you can only help someone who wants to be helped. I always hated my mom for not kicking my dad out for what he did to us. But eventually I learned that she wasn't gonna do it so I had to. I decided the next day I was gonna go to the school counselor and tell then what's up. However there's no school counselors in the really world. I guess what I would do is talk to the victim myself. Be careful that you don't use terms like "why don't you just leave?" that wont help. It's not that easy to "just leave" it took me months to finally tell anybody what was going on. Next I'd invite the person out to go do something outside of the abusive relationship. Make sure to be aware that this is a very scary thing.
Oct 09, 14 at 12:33am
Leave it alone. Being a "protector" also means meddling. Unless he's beating the shit out of the girl right infront of your face. Even then if you interrupt you'll still be "meddling". Also, "Protector" is such a self-glorifying self-righteous word. No offense.
Oct 09, 14 at 12:42am
Protector is a term I've been describe as has noting to do with self righteousness. It usually something that happens on instinct myself. That being said he was knocking her around in front of me. but that's a little off topic. It mainly so people don't do what I did cause it could lead to a lost friendship. but you do make a great point so no offense taken.
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Lol she got mad because you defended her Altair?? Whatever eventually she will come around and realize you were trying to help.
Oct 09, 14 at 3:54am
if you know someone that is in an abusive relationship, just talk it down with the victim and have a group meeting with the perp if she says that she would like to leave then the victim leaves and the friends would be picking up her stuff from his/her place or packing up his/her stuff. though if the victim wishes to stay just let them know that you're always there and supporting them every step of the way. in turn raising a flag and you get the harem ending ;)
"Abuse should not be in use" Just saying lol. But In all cases, whether or not your the abuser or the abused, if you are in a situation where you feel the need to use violence, or are being abused in any way shape or form, just remove yourself and leave or seek help in sorting the issues.
A man should never let a woman be abused in any way in front of him. That is reason enough for a man to act. Even if you have to sneak attack them from behind.
I never hit any girls even though my ex cheated on me or hit me many times, I never fight back. But I did not hit a girl for a long time ever since middle school. I do find it unfair why girls can hit man while we cannot hit them.
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