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Reasons to End a relationship.

No, not speaking from personal experience, but I'm pretty sure that would be a legitimate reason to end the relationship don't you? Also probably a good time to check yourself into a psyche ward for an evaluation >.>
lol I was gonna say.....
when the cat gets more attention than you do is another reason!!
From this conversation all that's going through mind is the scene from family guy where Peter wants to marry a pie.
I guess when you outgrow your partner. Like, When the maturity scale is severely unbalanced and shows no sign of balancing out.
When all she does is ignore you and play destiny and talk about her wet dreams about cloud n vincent. Every compliment you give her has no impact and she ends up going with her friends instead leaving you standing there holding two movie tickets. When every messsge sent is completely ignored. When she forgets your name. When shed rather cosplay alone than with you.
When youre just another customer to her, when she doesnt care about which anime you like, when she ignores that your best friend died...
Kinda specific bro pm me if you needto talk. And also lots of good points.
There are many reason why people end their relationship. Cheating the most common one, financial stability, lost feeling, your characteristic, your lack of love, God in religion, family orientation, education, background, and lazy not wanting to work. For anime break up - bipolar disorder, yandere, harem, otaku sometimes.
@ animefood well granted you make valid points however some of those...would a partner be aware of them in the beginning or even before a relationship began.
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