Ask me anything ;D

blackmagickota @blackmagickota
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
blackmagickota @blackmagickota
x = -417/112 HA! ONLY TOOK ME ALL DAY!
and the quote is from Dumb and Dumber right?
Well I have always watched anime, as far back as I can remember I was sat in front of a tv with shows like Sailor Moon playing.
As for Manga I read more of that than I watch anime but only got into it a few years ago when I came across the manga for Zero no Tsukaima(The Familiar of Zero) and Love Hina.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
yep... will get you next time...

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Okay I got one:
In what Movie is this saying from?: "Uh, my name is Johnny Wish-Wishbone. Johnny Wishbone. And I am a psychic from the island of St. Croix. Yes, I am psychic from the island of St. Croix."
Have fun with that...

blackmagickota @blackmagickota
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
blackmagickota @blackmagickota
Beverly Hills Cop 2 duh, one of my favorite movies

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Fk... and I thought I get you with an old one. :/... hmm... So your an old school fav also eh...

blackmagickota @blackmagickota
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
blackmagickota @blackmagickota
The oldies are the best.

Awkwardly Liz @ohayou_rice
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
Awkwardly Liz @ohayou_rice
What's been your favorite LP?
What's your favorite food?
Do you know how to cook?
What's your favorite dessert?
Why are the last three questions about food?
What's your favorite genre of movie?
Who's your favorite actor?
“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.” is that true for you? Or what's the way to your heart?
Favorite video game?
If you could hang out with one anime or video game character for a day who would it be?

blackmagickota @blackmagickota
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
blackmagickota @blackmagickota
@Awkwardly Liz
alright let me try to do this in order:
1. Well my favorite that I've done is The Walking Dead but my favorite to watch is Game Grumps do Legends of Zelda: Windwaker
2.I love Lasagna but anything Italian is great
3. yep, though its been a while since I've made anything too fancy I can cook quite a few dishes.
4. Strawberry Cheesecake hands down.
5. cause food is delicious?
6. Adventure or anything Disney (I've seen a few good romances).
7.Gotta love either Will Smith or Robert Downey Jr. as for Actress its Jennifer Lawrence because she is a good person on top of being a good actress.
8.Well my stomach is a good place to start, but the best way to get me to like someone is if they are someone I can actually have a conversation with. A lot of the time I talk to people about stuff like Quantum Physics and other nerdy things and it just goes over their heads.
9. Single Game: Kingdom Hearts 2
Trilogy: Mass Effect (even if the 3rd one was a plain insult to the fans)
Series: Legends of Zelda
I love all of those equally ^
10.hmm, tough one. I'd say Kirito because he is pretty chill but then again he would probably beat me at any game we tried to play. Rito from Tu Love Ru, that way I could beat the shit out of him all day for being so god damned lucky.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Lets get on the ball here... If there are 26 letters in the alphabet then decipher this.
23,15,23 25,15,21 3,15,13,16,12,5,20,5,4 9,20, 7,15,15,4 10,15,2.
good luck. :P

blackmagickota @blackmagickota
commented on
Ask me anything ;D
blackmagickota @blackmagickota
sorry for the late reply, had work and school -_-
anyways it says:
"wow you completed it good job"
would of been harder if you flipped the cypher (ie A-26 and Z-1)
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