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should I cut all communication I have with my ex ?

Hello...it's been almost 3 weeks now that I broke up with my boyfriend. Now ex. I love him dearly. Our relationship wasn't the greates, actually it was rocky and at times painful but it's just hard to let go. He says he cares but it's sometimes hard to believe him .last night we both agreed on being just "friends" and I've accepted that but when I need of a friend ..and ask him to be there....as a friend..his answer is " if I can't have all of you, I don't want any of you" ...do I just give up and let him go?
The question is,can BOTH of you separate old romantic feelings from those of being a friend? Also, sometimes I feel like remaining friends is an almost desperate way of clinging on in the hopes that it will work out. I tried to stay friends with an ex of mine, but she felt to awkward and just couldn't separate old emotions. Now, I'm not saying it can't work, but from the sound of things, it will be difficult.
You need to have alot of self control cause those feelings that were there during the relationship don't just disappear. I'd say let him go. Stop asking for him to be your friend when he clearly wants to be more. It's always hard to let go but once you do you will feel amazing. FREEDOM ;D Good Luck *Wonders if this will make a difference :P* Nah it never does lolololol.
Ultimately you get to decide what you'd like to do. My opinion would be to break it off completely due to the fact that he is unable to want a relationship with you outside of it being highly intimate. Don't waste your time on relationships that are rocky and painful. Find someone who gives you what you need.
@yaasshat, No clinging feelings here...I guess any normal person would go through a break up with the help of friends. But when you give up everything for that person, even your friends...because of trust issues from his side. You're left alone, I guess I expected atleast a kind act from his side..just be there. Anyway,.. I appreciate your comment :)
@ jean Rivera, lol, atleast someone seems to be happy :) And you're right nothing ever helps at times like these. But hey, I was able to wake up this morning and show up to work (not really working ^-^!)....that's something right?! lol :)
mr_ambig, Thank you very much for your comment :)
It will get better, I promise. Chances are, you'll find yet another love. For now, just enjoy it and make new friends. Life is to short to let a moment slow you down. I'm an introvert by nature, so I know how lonely it can feel. Mind you, I prefer and always have preferred a few close friends to many aquaintences. It took me the better part of a year to truly get over my ex, but we were together for 6 1/2 years. Now, it's on to the next chapter. You'll never find exactly what you had, but you can find something better. Every relationship will be different, but I'm sure you are aware of that. The best cure is to find a passion and just be you. They say time heals all wounds, that might be true, but you can't take away scars. I'm not trying to nake you dwell, rather, it's about finding happiness, true happiness and just pushing on. :) Sometimes being human sucks when something as simple as a broken heart can stop you in your tracks.
Yasshat, I only hope to read these sentences months from now ...read them and smile and feel foolish perhaps and realize this person wasn't worth crying for. Time capsule message to myself lol ( ^_^): Yo feel like the world is falling apart right now but if you get over him. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind on. ah!.... Um, Have you met someone.. :P ?
Though I can't do it myself, I know it's better to cut off all communications with your ex for a long time. Let him be. Though it sounds like you still like each other. :/ yaasshat is right make new friends and find new stuff to do to keep your thoughts away from your ex. :D
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