Thoughts and feels about monster girls
HeroShinku @kosura
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
HeroShinku @kosura
In all my dreams I'm a psychopath killing people for no reason ... I wish I would have a somewhat normal dream/fantasy like that .
Apperently in dreams of my friends I'm just the same for some reason. I always end up fighting or killing people without a known reason ....
I don't get it O.O
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
^Your dreams are odd and fascinating. Hopefully that's not a premonition, maybe you did something like that in a past life?
HeroShinku @kosura
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
HeroShinku @kosura
it is weird actually
I'm naturally an aggressive guy because it runs in my blood but people don't ever believe that
I'm the nicest guy they have ever met, I'm sweet, nice, I always listen and try to help people.
But when I'm over my limit let's just say, you don't want to be near me.
It's the reason why my hand has been busted 3 times
I kicked a whole in my closet once and almost completely destroyed another closet with one hit.
I have trown a chair at the friend my mom had. And have gotten in many fights with my parents before that as well. I've been arrested twice before my 18th birthday for theft and fighting ... one of the two with the cops that annoyed me XD
I always had an average score at school around 85% but my attitude was the worst
The principal told me I was the best student at the school but had the worst attitude.
I got into a lot of fights at schools and have nearly killed one student in a fight cuz I choked him and held him up against the wall. I have trown the teacher on the ground and totally flipped out.
First days in new schools (i have done quite a few cuz my parents always moved, I moved 14 times now) they were the worst. I always got into a fight with someone. In my last school I trew someone of the stairs because he lightly tapped my backpack.
And no one believes that when they see and learn to know me XD
Even my best friends have never seen me like that. They don't believe any of that.
I always try not to and now I learned to just turn around and walk away. Because now I would have lots of troubles with the cops XD
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
^I don't know anything about your childhood besides what you mentioned but it seems like something is troubled deep in your psyche. I couldn't say more without knowing you really well. Did you suffer any psychological trauma as a child? You don't have to talk about it, just wondering. Or maybe something happened that you don't remember? It could be genetic but that sounds rather extreme for only that.
HeroShinku @kosura
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
HeroShinku @kosura
Actually I have been quite open about everything.
I was abused as a child and forced into martial arts. Wich kept me smaller than I should be.
And gave me somewhat of bone and fracts problems.
But overall I don't like anyone to think they're my boss, to think that they have control over me.
Because they don't
This body is mine, I move it the way I want to.
And that's the thing behind it.
Only one person has ever understood me without me saying anything about my past and how I am.
Wich almost made me cry, she came to me after I got my tattoo and just said why she thinks I got that tattoo and talked about my past like she was right there. She understood me, was a teacher at my school ... just saying ^^
nekuchu @nekuchu
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Thoughts and feels about monster girls
nekuchu @nekuchu
I love love love anime girls with ears (bunny, cat, fox, panda, squirrel) you name it I love it, but mostly I am in love with cat girls. Not sure but when I first saw them at the age of 15 via browsing yahoo images I couldn't stop looking at them and being attracted to them. I think they're adorable! if I saw one in real life honestly I think I would actually be one..? I'm very feline like at times and I can meow like a cat too, though purring is what throws me off sadly I can't purr the way I want too ;o; because I think it sounds more like an owl rofl. anyhow very much love.
Though I've never really seen much of slime/dragon/alien type humans so I can't say how I'd act towards them probably scared-ish or probably amazed or both at the same time..
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