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Age difference

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age as long as they are able to think for themselves i dont mind dating someone 18. but if they are not able to handle themselves then older. i have been the same as i am now since i was 16 so... ya.
Jun 26, 14 at 4:54pm
I think I might actually be less mature now than when I was 16. At 16 I had to help take care of my sister, who was in a wheelchair and on 24/7 oxygen. I spent a lot of my childhood being an adult, that is one reason why I am such a child now :) Though I know deep down that you can't get it back or make up for what you missed, I do try :)
Aug 17, 14 at 1:33pm
my last girl was 10 years younger than me
Aug 17, 14 at 2:02pm
For me age doesn't matter to me, Older or younger, but for some reason i seem to attract older women to myself.
Aug 17, 14 at 7:33pm
I'm 19 and I'd say my age range would be around 15-35, and 16-23 for the relationship to be "comfortable". I'm fine with younger but for now I'm only 19 so it would seem kinda wrong. I'm more open to older because we're both adults and are more understanding and responsible about that kind of stuff. If she gets twice as old as me it would be very awkward. It's very unlikely to happen but if it does happen, it's love and I can't do anything about it. As long as she doesn't get too close to my parents's age...
why does it matter if they both truly love each other
I'm usually on the backhand of this because of MY age but as long as we aren't doing anything dirty I never really have a problem with older guys and girls hitting on me. It actually makes me feel kinda better about my age knowing someone thinks I look or act mature.
Unfortunately, for some guys, "...thinks I look or act mature." Really just means your old enough to have something resembling breasts so they think they can get into your pants. So don't be in a rush to take it as a compliment that older guys think they can bang you. At the same time I have no problem with two people who want a serious romantic relationship being significantly different ages.
Sep 03, 14 at 11:43pm
With me At times age is but a number, but at times you gotta be smart with it. Like if a 22 year old guy or girl ask me out then thats fine. But if it's me asking a 16 year old come on thats just crazy. But its in the eye of the beholder
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