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Is weight an issue?

At first sight it matters a lot to most people but I've seen chubby guys (not obese) that are kinda atractive once I meet them. For me, I would rather date a skinny guy maybe kinda toned but not a lot, I myself am not that good of a body owner so I'm just skinny. I think people should have what they deserve sometimes (meaning for people who work out or to be even just in a pairing, not saying is not possible for a fit person to fall for another fat person, just that their efforts won't have any payment and that's not fair).
Find someone like you.
dont avoid someone because of being overweight or anorexic... as dumb as it may sound... "DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER" the world is honestly rediculous for judging by looks....what if you pass up someone because they arent to your liking on the outside, but they are the most amazing person you may ever meet? Go for personality, not looks. Looks dont define someone, their actions and words and personality do.
For me, yes. I'm skinny as a toothpick, but that's because I'm too lazy to cook up things like breakfast at times and to work out; just a outward reflection of my personality that must be changed. If you are overweight, if it's not because of some medical issue, then it reflects on your personality that you are either lazy or unmotivated, at least in regard to your health, which implies other things. I think it's important to be the "best" you, not superficially, but integrally, that includes health. But, in any case, it may not matter for certain people, and I don't care either way if I don't see the person as a love interest. I could be friends with someone overweight no problem, and perhaps even develop that relationship into a not platonic one, but, sooner or later, I'd encourage them to lose the weight. I'd even go so far as to give them an ultimatum. Call me shallow (you'd be very mistaken,) but that's just how it is and I have no qualms about it.
I dont see why weight matters i mean if body types is really taken into consideration despite how nice the person is its dumb. Ok if the person is big, fat, chubby whatever you wanna call them but like you like this person why cant you look past it? Everyone isnt perfect and frankly not everyone wants to be fat. I dont care for weight really skinny or chubby im fine with it as long as its not out of hand like being so skinny its like your fighting for your life just trying to stand up or your so big that you havent seen below your stomach in years im fine with anyone as long as their personality and looks are to my liking
May 13, 15 at 7:46pm
Weight dosent matter..it's when someone dosent take good care of they're appearance. Now that gets to me.
No not at all. Just be happy with yourself
Im considered overweight.. But I never let that slow me down.. Confidence defeats everything.. Now There are shallow people in the world who dont give 2 fucks about your personality, and what you bring to the table.. but do you really want to date a person like that? Ive been rejected over 100 times probably in my lifetime.. mainly from first sight of being a bigger guy.. but when I am allowed to talk.. I always win..
thank you naito for that! see this is why we love you! and kingjay78, yes confidence is key
May 14, 15 at 5:30pm
personality should supercede everything as id rather date the sweetest guy whos butt ugly than the hottest guy whos the biggest douchbag. Unfortunately people will always judge you by your looks first and foremost :/ But if you show that you're a great person then ppl will like you no matter how you look c:
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