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Buji @buji commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 12:06pm
@Lambey - both, mostly in games, sometimes in real life but hardly ever, since I don't talk much and usually just do what I'm asked to do, people think I'm serious, like, "Frankie isn't the type of person who would joke around like that is he?" But a small one I use to do to people was saying "what?" after they asked "what"
Lamby @momoichi commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 9:58pm
@animekid, IRON MAN FORGORE! INVINSIBLE FORGORE! @missallyesterday, trolletic justice >:D!! @genie, depends, can i make a wish for endless wishes? I troll tons, nothings funner then trolling in a raid and trade chat. once I made fun of the most impressive guild on my server, but it was all in good fun (I said stuff like "they advertise child abuse, with guild activity's like lock your kid in a closet sundays and hit your kid cuz its Monday Mondays"). I got reported once for going around /w ppl in stormwind (on a nelf trolling alt) asking if theyv heard the word of Lord Zenu. Or trying to get gold by saying "Plz help, i am sober, i need more pixie dust u gotta help a nelf out?" i made 2kg....... I don't troll in a mean way, i say stupid stuff never hurtful stuff.
xueli @xueli commented on Trolling
May 14, 14 at 10:00pm
I don't see the appeal :p
This thing you call trolling is sub par it does not have humanities best intentions at all it simply seeks to lie and benefit in the closed social structure you have created. How is this helping humanity tell me? Its better to live in fun and fantasy then then the reality. <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=x3bxuh" target="_blank"><img src="http://i61.tinypic.com/x3bxuh.gif" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Lambey, you'd be super awesome if you didn't play wow, but another MMO! :P
I mean... Looovvee yooouuuu. ♥ :p
May 14, 14 at 10:31pm
Not as much as I love you jiko
I hope so. You been under my desk the entire night.
May 14, 14 at 10:34pm
Yep just like you were under the tip of my lamp as well. Thanks for the good time last night.
<img src="http://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http://gifninja.com/animatedgifs/237850/dayum.gif&size=400x1000"></img>
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