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Redeeming things about you

It's kind of funny when you think about it. The internet has the combined intellect and knowledge of the world, yet things like 4chan, redit, you tube...etc are the main focal points. I just wonder what the library of Alexandria was like? As for my redeeming qualities, get to know me and you'll truly see a kind, giving and sacrificial heart ( despite what you may think from what I've shown here). I will give if I have for the sake of those close to me. I may be blunt here, but generally speaking, I mean well. I know I just as most, have a lot of good qualities, but at some point I feel like its just tooting my horn.I'll return to my smart ass ways now, thank ya.:P
Redeeming qualities... Well, people say im a good friend. Im also not many people's types, which might be a plus I guess. Uhh... thats about it. :( Pretty lonely and depressed person really. Oh, and heartless. That too.
May 10, 14 at 10:58pm
@yaasshat I thought you were a good person myself who simply trys to state what other people may not want to hear but all the same are things that need to be considered. @jiko I think you forgot to add you can be funny with threads when you feel like it. So I think being funny would be one of your qualities as well.
People dont find my brand of funny funny most times. People find me a douchebag, an asshole, as well as other things. Oh. I'm also a pessimist, but I call it a realist.
May 10, 14 at 11:06pm
I bake/cook prolifically when I'm bored, that's a quality most people like right? :P
I do the same and I got nowhere. Maybe it's because you are a woman and these guys want sandwiches :(
May 10, 14 at 11:09pm
Aw, I'd totally take a guy who can cook. All I know how to make is like chinese cause that's all my dad makes. Well, I can follow recipes but that's kinda not the same
Hmmm.... Maybe that I'm a one man army.
May 10, 14 at 11:13pm
I know somewhat how to cook but thats mainly basic stuff really lol Jiko I think the brand of humor you have is funny it just takes a certain view to see it as funny.
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