日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Nein. Granted Japanese is a charming language, simply wanting to learn it because of an anime/manga seems silly. Now, an anime/manga dubbed or written in Welsh or Arabic would be something to behold.
udonpowder @udonko
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
udonpowder @udonko
銀魂はマヨネーズさんが好きですw 4月から2期が始まるので楽しみでしょうが無いです。キャストがおかしいほどはまってるのが凄いですよね。
Karimoon @karimoon
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Karimoon @karimoon
and is to と you can also use ga and kedo lol just thought I'd say that.
I speak & write a little I'm not very good since I'm only in the second intermediate level at my school & I easily forget things. I'm having a extremely hard time with kanji so many to know so little brain space. ^_^; I like learning it it's just hard to devote the necessary time to memorize the necessities to speak to japanese people properly te forms are kicking my ass currently & my degree program is filled with ass-rape classes.
Karimoon @karimoon
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Karimoon @karimoon
And wanting to learn something based on your exposure to something else is not silly. I'm really getting sick of hollier-than-thou-know-it-alls dissing others because their motivation is the anime/manga they like. So fing what!? At least they're motivated to learn something new & expose themselves there is no law/rule stating you must want to learn something not based on something else you like. I for one want to know what the hell my favorite animes/mangas are saying so why wouldn't I take up japanese? It's far better to take it for that reason than because the school system requires you to take 1-2 years of a foreign language to graduate, that's just being a damn brainwashed doll your heart isn't in it anyways. Screw German, French & Spanish I became interested in Japanese, Japanese culture & life after exposure to anime & there's nothing wrong with that, so f*&% all the haters!
Karimoon @karimoon
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Karimoon @karimoon
はじめまして なまえはジャクソンダリルです。どうぞよろしく。
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
"Screw German, French & Spanish"
Nun, das war einfach unnötig.
Kizuna @kizuna
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Kizuna @kizuna
たしかそうでしたね~ 楽しみです♪
ちなみに私の好きなキャラは銀さんとズラです。 笑
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Yare, yare......I wish I could even REMEMBER Japanese. Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji......I'm still stuck on Roomaji. Mattaku.....I don't even know how to speak in proper sentences in Jap!
I gonna go look up "How to tell if you are WAPANESE" or something....I'm probably right on a total "Wapper".(Yeah, I just made that up......)
z3rosiris @z3rosiris
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
z3rosiris @z3rosiris
I have tried to learn hiragana but just learning when i didn't even have the internet or access to a local library until recently it was too hard to now that i do have the internet though i'm planning on learning at least enough to communicate
ultimaanimedude @ultimaanimedude
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
ultimaanimedude @ultimaanimedude
I'm learning through the game "My Japanese Coach" for the DS.
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