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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself

Let's see, I have 21 costumes since I started cosplaying. xD
Another one is that I have 2 piercings (septum, web) which I did by myself and also had two others which I removed half a year ago.
I used to be an alter boy, my 4th girlfriend was a Satanist.
I'm not mexican
When I was in culinary school, I made a soufflé better than the one that the instructor made. I actually dislike soufflés and truffles (the fungi). The former tastes like a wet brownie and the latter tastes like dirt.
I was born in the town where Nachos were invented. Piedras Negras, Mexico.
Jun 18, 14 at 2:59pm
Currently in the process of professionally recording an EP and hopefully start touring again. I use music as a way to deal with my dysthymia.
I have a cat who loves shoving his ass in my face when he lays on my chest.
When I was 12, I got attacked by a stray cat. Scratches everywhere. A few days later I was getting really sick and lasted a couple day. Ended up hospitalized with cat scratch fever. Every single time my doctor or a nurse walked in, they play the fucking song -__- It got to the point, where when I was finally discharged, as I was leaving. They played the song on the intercom. So I walked away to cat scratch fever.
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