Girl Gamers/Otaku
fatzilla @jineko
Girl Gamers/Otaku
fatzilla @jineko
Because most boys would just look at the physical appearance of people, but are obsessed with finding GURL GAMERS and otaku girlfriends.
Would it have any appeal to you if the girl is unattractive but is obsessed with what most boys are obsessed with(anime,manga,games,comic books and such)?
Does playing lame fb games count? HAHAHA
*This drives other girls to pretend they're into games and stuff posing with game console controllers while their cleavage is exposed LOL.(epicfail)
Namani @namaniiamani
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
Namani @namaniiamani
I hate the one's that pretend to get attention. I bet if you asked them when did nintendo 64 hit the market they would get the answer dead wrong. Nothing wrong with getting into anime/video games but please be legit with hobbies and have a history.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
xueli @xueli
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
xueli @xueli
I have to admit, I hate when guys try to test women on games/anime. It's ridiculous that I'd have to memorize random arbitrary trivia just to prove legitimacy. If they like it then they're fans regardless of how knowledgable they are or how long they've liked it. It's just ego stroking and a way to un-include people you don't consider "good" enough.
Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
I'm in the same boat as the guy with the really long name.
Love is a joint exercise. It's not "I know more than you do :p" <- and then I see that one picture of a the chick cosplaying as Duela Dent and people complaining about it and smile.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Crystal Pepsi, can't. Crystal Pepsi.
@xueli: I feel bad that you actually had men quiz your video game knowledge. That's kinda pathetic on their part o.o
xueli @xueli
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
xueli @xueli
@Jikokun: Yeah it's just stupid. Like not to pick on namanilamani or anything, but using his comment as an example. I have no idea when the nintendo 64 hit the market. I'm sure you'll find lots of male gamers who don't either. But unlike male gamers (who aren't pelted with questions like these in the first place), the second I can't answer some random question it's all you're not a real gamer, a real gamer would know, you're just doing it for attention. Or sometimes I'll see some gamer comic strip and they'll write about how real gamer girls don't bath or care about looks/hygiene and that the only ones that do are trying to be models and aren't real gamers and that just pisses me off. Because for a group that gets so livid about how they're not like the stereotype old fat guy living in their mom's basement with cheeto powder covered everything, a lot of them are pretty fast to turn that around on someone else.
Hahaha anyways, off the soapbox. Yeah, proving a potential significant other's knowledge of a certain topic as a stupid, superficial reason to get together with them. People and relationships are more than just the hobbies you guys happen to share.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
This is a true fact. I hope you know the name of the second barrel that donkey Kong throws in the original game on the third level in the second play through.
If you don't, I'm sorry, we can never go out.
xueli @xueli
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Girl Gamers/Otaku
xueli @xueli
Ah alas, my hopes are now dashed. Life is so cruel. T-T
Haha actually, I made my sister play through a good portion of that game for me. Arial stages. Man that one with all the cannons almost gave me a heart attack
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Girl Gamers/Otaku
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Lol ♥
As a kid, I could never beat the second level. I hooked it up a few years ago and I'm like... why was this so hard back then. XD
And I'm sorry! I hope to no longer dash your dreams! I'm all yours! ;p
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