lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
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lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
@Fudo Zen: Your weapon of choice is a good one, almost makes me want to switch.
Eureka Seven is easily my top 10 or almost 5. I need to make an official personal list of which anime I loved the most to be more accurate.
♥ ½ M @fudozen
commented on
♥ ½ M @fudozen
I need to do that aswell, theres quite a few series that I greatly enjoyed.
Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
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Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
How long have you been on this site? errr...a few months but only active a few weeks Also....@Fudo Zen You have one of my favorite characters as your icon *_*
Sexual orientation? Bi
Single or taken? Single
Favorite anime series? Too many good ones out there. Don't have a fave
If you were in a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice and why? A GUNDAM...jk Whatever the heck the closest things to me are, preferably a bladed pole arm, though I wouldn't say no to a flamethrower
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