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Looking for my super saiyan

.-. I give up on everything
What about Rika? Someone told me she had hairy ape like feet?
WTF WHY ME? Make fun of Shin he loves it because hes a masochist. He also likes to be slapped with manly sausage. -Eye brow rises- And this time I don't mean the ones you eat.
SHUT UP WAIT TILL RIKA FINDS OUT WHAT YOU GUYS SAID ABOOUT HER LMAO. You guys didn't have a chance to make fun of me cause I'm so epic my cat ears sense stuff like this, WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BAD MOUTH ME. -PULLS SHIN'S CHEEKS- BAKABAKABAKA
Next time I'll go for your ear as well! O:<
Oh ah ah ahhhh--- me llamo monkey lady. Just kidding you guys. You got me. Im not a flying monkey lady from space. Secrets out! Sorry. I just have dyed hair! And spoons just freak me out! ;) P.s do not know the rika of which you speak. Conversation is beyond me.
I love to be spooned--I MEAN I LOVE SPOONS. Forks are were it gets scary. Dem forks if they had a will of there own they would of murdered countless of innocent people. ( Take it from Sebastian, He murders people with forks!! ) The spoon is more kinder it's just like ' SCOOOP. I'll SCOOOP IT FOR YOU. '
What about sporks? O:
All should be damned to hell. Mah pa said- the forks are unholy and from the devil. Because da devil has a big en. He stabs the sinner's with it all day. Lol where is this conversation headed? XD No but seriously if i had to pick spoons are way cooler then forks. Spoons ftw. Maybe i should start a forum named spoons vs forks. Lol
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