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Looking for my super saiyan

Oh well. My job requires me all the time. Its hard being so kickass and saving the universe everyweek.
I did not shin Dx and why did this thread have to resurface ;_;
Excuse me while I go walk into a pit of fire covered in gasoline. LOL
Apr 22, 14 at 11:37pm
He destroyed the saiyans planet....
@ metal It needed to be done. @ Shin Gasoline.
Im back bitches, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. My kind will never be destroyed by the likes of you. You hear that? Neverrrrr!!! I knew many of us were destroyed ... We where once a powerful race- much like the race that lived on the planet krypton. But super man... he was week. And only has his cousin supergirl to mate with. Now is the age for the saiyons to rule! Ahhhhh. Just give me 40 minutes to power up and I'll get back to ya.
Apr 23, 14 at 7:38pm
*Pokes you with a spoon*
No! Not spoons! Thats my weakness ! Ahhhh!
Your race was a pathetic one, no more important than a common rodent. So I decided to exterminate them all but clearly I missed one.
Apr 23, 14 at 11:49pm
It's okay, I used my spoon on her.
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