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Guys w/ Long hair

May 28, 14 at 5:56pm
Well I would rather have straight then wavy the wind just destroys my hair XD
May 28, 14 at 8:00pm
My hair is super curly and as such, it doesn't get so much longer, as turns into a fro. Most of the time I prefer to just shave my head as it is easier and takes less upkeep. I keep hoping I will go bald, but no luck so far.
I had a girlfriend cry because I cut my hair once... I didn't think she cared so I didn't think to ask.It was only a little past shoulder length but I hadn't cut it since well before I meet her.
Jun 10, 14 at 1:15am
Personally I kinda suspect that long hair on males is related to quicker loss of hair and baldness. Though I have no real evidence for such a thing. As for attractiveness the "clean cut" type of guy what most people refer to when they refer to what girls want in attractiveness. Meaning look as you would if you were going to be apply for a job. That doesn't necessarily mean to "cut your hair". But it has to be so well groomed that it wouldn't be a factor in hiring you for a service type of job. I imagine a slicked back long hair pony tail butler. My personal experience with long hair is kinda a regret..Many bad memories, and a few good ones. Feel free to laugh at them, here's three: 1. One day I decided to walk home from the local college I was attending, it was 9 miles away and the sun was bright and high up, but I don't believe it was especially hot that day. I was 1 block away from home drenched in sweat and exhausted from the long walk. My head was down as I was waiting for the signal to walk across, and I hear some high pitched yells from a black minivan going "wooo yea" done by some girls who were driving by. Surprisingly I was "cat called" is what my friend told me. It was a nice ego boost as no girl has ever cat called me before nor has it happened again. 2. Short bad memory; a young boy, who obviously learns the wrong from his single parent, at a church reception one day grabbed and slapped my butt when my back was turned. 3. short bad memory; another kid was on campus one day with his mom, and as I walked by he said loudly "mommy why does that guy have long hair, is he a girl?" the mother replied with something like "shh it isn't nice to say that but, some guys don't cut their hair" Final thoughts: The best advice with haircuts and girls I have ever gotten is "think about the type of girl you want to attract and then style yourself after the type of guy that girl is interested in."
Jun 14, 14 at 10:39pm
YES YES YES YES ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Long hair on guys is always a big + points for me, Doesn't mean you immediately have the high-score though hahaha
mmm for the most part iv always loved a guy with long hair its fun to run my fingers through it ^_^
Jun 16, 14 at 8:58pm
Every time someone posts on this thread, a tiny part of me dies o.o
Hair is over rated..
OMG me too!! ;D
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