Come One, Come All! Skype Group!

X-Cution @xcution
commented on
Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
X-Cution @xcution
I'm down.
Skype Name: ex-cution

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
My skype is angelz2162

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I'm rawriceball on skype, feel free to spam me

Frosty @frostedflakes
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
Frosty @frostedflakes
Lolwutt7 is mine.

Ryynero @neron
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
Ryynero @neron
live:Ryynero or for me

nekoboy93 @nekoboy93
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
nekoboy93 @nekoboy93
how enter in skype group?

nekokyo119 @nekokyo119
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119
My skype is nekokyo119 :D I would love to be a part of this, although I'm more reserved so I might type more than talk xD

MrReetop @mrreetop
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
MrReetop @mrreetop
Mine is LordPoopington
If that doesn't work add me under

sionxtc @sionxtc
commented on
Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
sionxtc @sionxtc
I'll probably send you a friend request and manually add you in I've added plenty of people. Don't be scared when I send the request it's just easier to have you at least pending on my list so I can add you to the group

Nessu @nestlepanic
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
Nessu @nestlepanic
Emar-kun is already in War-kun c: ~
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