Yup, I hate people.
. @saita
Yup, I hate people.
. @saita
So late last night before bed I found out that my last ex probably cheated on me.
Because according to Facebook it says she's been in a relationship with some dude since January 28th, funny, cause we broke up on January 28th, I have the texts still.
You don't just hook up with people that instantly, there usually has to be something going on before that.
So I was either flat out dumped for another person in a heart beat or was cheated on.
She's still claiming to be single, and said she "needed a break from relationships in general" and not just me, GUESS THAT WAS A LIE LOL.
Even when things start to not work out anymore, you'd still hope people would be decent enough and honest to tell the truth.
I certainly don't like what I found out last night, whether it's one or the other, it's fucked up either way.
I don't like the fact that she's been stringing me along claiming she's still single and still loves me but "needs time alone to think" and "doesn't want a relationship with anyone in general not just you", it all looks like a flat out lie to me.
What am I the backup? Blah.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
. @saita
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
. @saita
Lol. .__.
deardrops @deardrops
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
deardrops @deardrops
Yeah, probably.
I've had some friends who went through the same thing, actually. :\
If her actions aren't matching what she's saying, then well - sorry to say this, but she's lying. It could've been one or the other - and either way, the matter of fact is that she's with some fuckwit of a guy now.
My ex-girlfriend of almost two years cheated on me over the Christmas Holidays and so, some advice from me to you
She didn't love you and she didn't respect you. End of story.
I know you want to probably salvage this shit - but I'm telling you right now, it's not worth it. I myself personally believe the whole 'once a cheater; always a cheater' thing.
IF she comes back to you, it's probably only because it didn't work out with him.
Cut her loose and straight dip set out of that life.
It's fucked man, but don't give her the time of day.
sionxtc @sionxtc
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
sionxtc @sionxtc
^^ cold but true. I've still friends with my ex but in your case i think you need to cut her loose because it's bringing out a side of you that I believe that you don't like. You need to distance yourself from those kind of people.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Facebook is s.h.i.t .
= shit
oh noooooo not the bee's
Planetonepiece @tlawlag19
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
Planetonepiece @tlawlag19
its ok man I hate people too =)
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
mankind is the worst. all hail crab people
crab people, crab people crab people, crab people !
. @saita
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
. @saita
@deardrops and sionxtc, you're both right.
It just fucking sucks Lol, even I can't even remain as upbeat as usual, and i'm usually one of the forum clowns here</3
22 months down the drain was one thing, but finding THAT out last night? ugh.
It was me who pushed her away I guess, we both made a few mistakes.
But the whole dishonesty and what seems to be possible cheating?
It's pretty depressing Lol.
Oh, and Blue Eyes, leave those shitty interhet horse trannies alone.
Before I send the Canasians after you, yes...Canasians....
Those Canadian Asians, crazy violent bacon junkies hopped up an all kinds of bacon grease, very scary people....
Much worse than just a few bees....
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Yup, I hate people.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
why is you niggas so seriouz ?
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